Links to online resources relating to articles published in our magazine during 2014.
For each magazine article, a link is provided to the online version of the article (where this exists), along with link to any useful online resources related to the article.
December 2014
Page 3: Councils consult on MetroBus road widening proposals
Councils consult on MetroBus road widening and bus lane proposals (BSJ website)
North Fringe to Hengrove Package MetroBus informal consultation (TravelWest)
Page 5: South Glos Council to begin collecting unwanted green bins
Council to begin collecting unwanted green bins (SGP website)
Collection of unwanted green bins (SGC website)
Page 7: Bus passengers hit by 10 per cent rise in cost of First Day Rider ticket
Bus passengers hit by 10 per cent rise in cost of First Day Rider ticket (BSJ website)
Press release announcing fare rise (First)
Page 9: Firework display raises £3,389 for charities
Story will appear soon on the BSJ website
Page 11: ‘Bobbly Stoke’ stunt a big hit with residents
‘Bobbly Stoke’ yarn bombing stunt a big hit with residents (BSJ website)
Facebook posts:
Page 12: Iceland store to open at Willow Brook in February
Iceland to open store at Willow Brook Centre (BSJ website)
Page 13: Mixed news on broadband front
Mixed news on broadband front – hundreds still waiting for fibre (BSJ website)
Previous story on BSJ website:
Superfast broadband rollout: Frustration over delays and council secrecy
Superfast Broadband Upgrade Status (BSJ website)
Postcode checker (SGC)
Fibre Broadband Deals (BSJ website)
Page 16: BSCS students showcase musical talent
Story will appear soon on the BSJ website
Page 17: Sir Geoff Hurst pays surprise visit to BSYFC
Sir Geoff Hurst pays surprise visit to BSYFC (BSJ website)
Page 20: Pub launches Christmas gift appeal
Pub’s Christmas gift appeal will benefit underprivileged children (BSJ website)
Page 23: Local children to take centre stage at the Willow Brook Centre
Local children to take centre stage at the Willow Brook Centre
Page 32: November in the Three Brooks nature reserve
Story will appear soon on the BSJ website
Page 32: Bristol City FC players undergo oxygen treatment in Bradley Stoke
Bristol City FC players undergo oxygen treatment in Bradley Stoke (BSJ website)
Page 34: Come and join us on the real School Run!
Come and join us on the real ‘school run’! (BSJ website)
Page 36: What’s On (7th December – 4th January)
What’s On in Bradley Stoke (BSJ website)
Pages 37 & 38: Business Directory
Bradley Stoke Business Directory (BSJ website)
November 2014
Page 3: New bus service to restore lost link to Parkway
New bus service to restore daytime link between Brook Way and Parkway Station (BSJ website)
First West of England timetables
Page 5: “Concern” over levels of drug use by teenagers in Bradley Stoke
“Growing concern” over levels of drug use by teenagers in Bradley Stoke (BSJ website)
Page 7: Town’s new £260k skate park expected to be ready next summer
Town’s new £260k skate park expected to be ready next summer (BSJ website)
Page 8: Concern over cyclists riding on footpaths
[Forum] Concern over cyclists riding on footpaths (BSJ website)
Page 9: Poppy Appeal launched at Parkway Station
Local Poppy Appeal launched at Parkway Station (SGJ website)
Page 10: BSCS students visit WW1 battlefields
Bradley Stoke Community School students visit World War One battlefields (BSJ website)
Page 13: Ian Boulton chosen to fight 2015 general election for Labour
Ian Boulton chosen as Labour’s 2015 general election candidate (BSJ website)
Page 13: Vodafone to open at Willow Brook Centre
Vodafone to take over former Phones 4u store (BSJ website)
Page 14: Bradley Stoke in Bloom makeover for Willow Brook town square
Bradley Stoke in Bloom makeover for Willow Brook town square (BSJ website)
Page 15: Appeal for information after woman assaulted on Savages Wood path
Appeal for information after woman assaulted on Savages Wood path (BSJ website)
Comments on the BSJ Facebook page
Pages 16 & 17: Frustration over broadband delays
Superfast broadband rollout: Frustration over delays and council secrecy (BSJ website)
Superfast Broadband Upgrade Status (BSJ website)
Postcode checker (SGC)
Fibre Broadband Deals (BSJ website)
Pages 18 & 19: Filton Airfield development plans submitted
Filton Airfield development plans submitted (PJ website)
Planning application (SGC)
Pages 20 & 21: Survey paints a bleak picture of bus travel
Reader survey paints a bleak picture of bus travel in Bradley Stoke (BSJ website)
Summary findings with responses from First West of England [PDF]
Page 27: Lions Club honour for BSCS student Louis
Lions Club honour for BSCS student Louis (BSJ website)
Page 29: Construction of new primary school under way
Construction of new primary school gets under way on BSCS site (BSJ website)
Pages 30 & 31: Dad & daughter team plans tandem skydive
Story will appear soon on the BSJ website
Page 32: Shorter days bring changes to reserve
Story will appear soon on the BSJ website
Page 34: Couple celebrate five years of working together
Bradley Stoke couple celebrate five years of working together (BSJ website)
Page 34: Wards Solicitors celebrate 25 years at Fountain Court in Bradley Stoke
Story will appear soon on the BSJ website
Page 36: What’s On (2nd November – 7th December)
What’s On in Bradley Stoke (BSJ website)
Pages 37 & 38: Business Directory
Bradley Stoke Business Directory (BSJ website)
October 2014
Page 3: Future of Phones 4u store remains uncertain
Shutters stay down at Phones 4u store as firm enters administration (BSJ website)
Page 5: SGC consults on ideas for achieving a further £40m of cost savings
Consultation: Review of services provided by Private Sector Housing Team (SGC)
Consultation: Review of Trading Standards (SGC)
Consultation: Review of Community Engagement (SGC)
Consultation: Review of Community Safety and Anti-social Behaviour (SGC)
Page 7: Superfast broadband outcome imminent for EO line subscribers
Superfast broadband outcome imminent for ‘exchange only’ (EO) subscribers (BSJ website)
Superfast Broadband Upgrade Status (BSJ website)
Postcode checker (SGC)
Fibre Broadband Deals (BSJ website)
Pages 10 & 11: MetroBus planning application gets green light from councillors
MetroBus planning application gets green light from councillors (BSJ website)
Planning application (SGC)
Proposed NFHP Metrobus Routes (from planning application)
MetroBus: Indicative Construction Programme (from planning application)
North Fringe Rapid Transit (MetroBus) (BSJ website)
Page 14: Youth Olympics bronze for Bradley Stoke Judo Club player Peter Miles
Bradley Stoke Judo Club on Facebook
Page 16: South Glos Design & Fine Arts Society to welcome Tom Denny on 16th October
Page 16 & 17: Trench Lane lake a big draw for triathletes
Story will appear soon on the BSJ website
Triathlon Training Centre Bristol on Facebook
West Country Water Park on Facebook
Pages 20 & 21: Sir Bradley whizzes through The Stokes
The Journal’s photos on Facebook
Photos by Andy Burrows on Facebook
Page 23: Source of “annoying noise” traced to solar farm on Trench Lane
“Annoying” noise traced to solar farm construction site on Trench Lane (BSJ website)
Page 25: Workday makeover for The Common East
Story will appear soon on the BSJ website
Page 27: Lots to ‘discover’ in our local nature reserve
Story will appear soon on the BSJ website
Pages 30 & 31: Council agrees measures to deter travellers
Erratum: Council statement shown on page 30 was issued on 4th September (not 24th September as stated)
Traveller encampment site defences strengthened with boulders (BSJ website)
Page 33: Everyone’s welcome at Bradley Stoke’s friendly running group
Everyone’s welcome at Bradley Stoke’s friendly running group (BSJ website)
North Bristol Running Group on Facebook
September 2014
Page 3: Brook Way consultation “a costly waste of time,” says disgruntled neighbour
Brook Way consultation “a costly waste of time,” says disgruntled neighbour (BSJ website)
Previous story:
Consultation result shows “overwhelming” demand for increased parking provision (BSJ website)
Pages 4 & 5: Councils’ defences prove useless as travellers return to Bradley Stoke
Wooden posts prove no deterrent as travellers return to Bradley Stoke Way
Updates on this story:
Councillors Take Further Action to Protect Bradley Stoke Way (BSTC website)
Traveller encampment site defences strengthened with boulders (BSJ website)
Previous stories on the BSJ website:
Traveller encampment site defences strengthened with boulders
Wooden posts prove no deterrent as travellers return to Bradley Stoke Way
Mayor takes action to prevent return of travellers
Facebook posts:
Page 7: BSCS celebrates “strong” GCSE results, but warns official figures will dip
BSCS celebrates “strong” GCSE results, but warns official figures will dip (BSJ website)
Page 8: BSCS A-level results buck national trend (BSJ website)
BSCS A-level results buck national trend (BSJ website)
Page 9: Another round of bus service alterations
Another round of bus service alterations effective from Sunday (BSJ website)
Page 11: New Patchway Police Centre to open soon
Story will appear soon on the PJ website
Page 13: What improvements would you like to see at BS Leisure Centre?
What improvements would you like to see at Bradley Stoke Leisure Centre? (BSJ website)
Consultation: Improvements to Bradley Stoke and Longwell Green Leisure Centres (SGC)
Page 14 & 15: BSYFC Girls make Wembley appearance in Community Shield pre-match parade
BSYFC Girls make Wembley appearance (BSJ website)
Page 16 & 17: Queen’s representative attends war memorial dedication ceremony
Video of the parade (BSJ Facebook)
Photos of the parade and ceremony (BSJ Google Photos)
Pages 19 to 22: Bradley Stoke Carnival: “A wonderful day”
Photos of the parade (BSJ Facebook)
More photos coming soon
Page 31: Aretians RFC: A community-focused rugby club
Story will appear soon on the SGJ website
Page 33: BS in Bloom prize winners announced
Bradley Stoke in Bloom prize winners announced (BSJ website)
Page 36: South Glos Discover Festival 2014
South Gloucestershire Discover Festival (SGC website)
Page 37: What’s On (7th September – 3rd October)
What’s On in Bradley Stoke (BSJ website)
Pages 38 & 39: Business Directory
Bradley Stoke Business Directory (BSJ website)
August 2014
Magazine stories will be published on the BSJ website from Monday 4th August, so please keep checking back. Once a story is on the website, you will be able to leave comments.
Page 3: Office complex set to be demolished to make way for care home
Office complex set to be demolished to make way for care home (BSJ website)
Planning application (SGC website)
Page 4: WW1 exhibition heading for Bradley Stoke
WW1 exhibition heading for Bradley Stoke (BSJ website)
South Gloucestershire and the First World War
Page 5: Council vehicle ruined in suspected arson attack at Baileys Court
Council vehicle destroyed in suspected arson attack at Baileys Court (BSJ website)
Page 6: Council bins controversial new food trader policy after just nine months
Town council to review controversial multiple mobile food trader policy (BSJ website)
Decision (BSJ website)
Page 7: Fruit stall allowed to stay at Willow Brook after public outcry
People power wins reprieve for Willow Brook Centre fruit & veg stall (BSJ website)
Page 8: Air ambulance pays flying visit to school
Story will appear soon on the SGJ website
Page 9: Superfast broadband project tackles EO lines
Superfast broadband project makes a start on ‘exchange only’ (EO) lines (BSJ website)
Superfast Broadband Upgrade Status (BSJ website)
Fibre Broadband Deals (BSJ website)
Page 10: Using pedal power to help fight blood cancer
Using pedal power to help fight blood cancer (BSJ website)
Martin Dean Bristol Bikeathon 2014
Page 14: Pupils try out pedal power to get to secondary school
Bradley Stoke pupils try out pedal power for getting to secondary school (BSJ website)
Page 15: Park it right! – Or be shamed on the internet
Park it right! Or be shamed on the internet (BSJ website)
Park It Right Bradley Stoke (on Facebook)
Park It Right Bradley Stoke (on Twitter)
The rise of parking vigilantes (BBC)
Pages 16 & 17: Bradley Stoke Carnival Preview
Bradley Stoke Carnival 2014 (on Facebook)
Carnival flyer (includes full programme) [PDF]
Carnival Poster [PDF]
Page 19: Highs and lows for ‘BS in Bloom’ team in July
Page 22: Over 600 species found in Three Brooks BioBlitz
Over 600 species found in Three Brooks BioBlitz (BSJ website)
Page 27: Bradley Stoke’s Willow Brook shopping centre wins another top industry award
Story will appear soon on the BSJ website
Page 28: The wheel turns at local Rotary Club
Story will appear soon on the BSJ website
Page 29: What’s On (3rd August – 7th September)
What’s On in Bradley Stoke (BSJ website)
Pages 30 & 31: Business Directory
Bradley Stoke Business Directory (BSJ website)
July 2014
Page 3: New school already £750k over budget
New primary school on BSCS site already over budget by £750k (BSJ website)
Planning application submitted for primary school on BSCS site (BSJ website)
Page 4: Building of 2,000 homes on Green Belt land…
Updated planning document revealed for 2,000 home development (SGJ website)
Page 5: Appeal for information following Stevens Walk jewellery burglary
Police appeal for information following Stevens Walk jewellery burglary (BSJ website)
Page 8: Faster broadband coming soon for central BS
Work starts on bringing faster broadband to central Bradley Stoke (BSJ website)
Superfast Broadband Upgrade Status (BSJ website)
Fibre Broadband Deals (BSJ website)
Pages 10 & 11: Feelings run high as travellers pitch up on Bradley Stoke Way
Post on BSJ Facebook page (16th June)
Travellers set up camp on verge alongside Bradley Stoke Way (BSJ website)
Travellers begin second week of occupation (BSJ website)
Post on BSJ Facebook page (28th June)
Mayor takes action to prevent return of travellers (BSJ website)
Page 12: HSBC branch at Aztec West to close in August
HSBC branch at Aztec West to close in August (PJ website)
Page 13: South Glos Show is just on the doorstep!
Page 15: Human table football tournament raises £1,200 for prostate cancer charity
More photos on the BSJ Facebook page
Page 17: First World War centenary to be marked at events in Bradley Stoke and Stoke Gifford
Scouts extend invitation to war memorial dedication ceremony (BSJ website)
Pages 20 & 21: Community Festival photos (on BSJ Facebook page)
Bradley Stoke 10k Run (Overview)
Bradley Stoke 10k Run (Finish)
Page 24: Award-winning Meadowbrook teacher attends House of Commons reception
Story will appear soon on the BSJ website
Page 25: Bradley Stoke Sikh to be honoured by Ugandan government
Bradley Stoke Sikh to be honoured by Ugandan government (BSJ website)
Sikh Centenary Celebrations in Uganda (Asian Journal)
Page 33: Junior parkrun off to a flying start
Weekly ‘junior parkrun’ starts this Sunday in Little Stoke Park (SGJ website)
Page 34: Latest news from Bradley Stoke in Bloom
Story will appear soon on the BSJ website
Page 35: Therapy Centre making a difference – and not just for MS
Story will appear soon on the BSJ website
The West of England MS Therapy Centre
Page 36: Bradley Stoke Community Carnival update
Residents invited to Carnival Open Meeting (BSJ website)
Bradley Stoke Carnival on Facebook
Page 37: What’s On (6th July – 3rd August)
What’s On in Bradley Stoke (BSJ website)
Page 39: Business Directory
Bradley Stoke Business Directory (BSJ website)