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2013 Lakeside By-election

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By-election resulting from the resignation of Charlotte Walker (Independent), elected (as a Conservative) to serve the Lakeside parish ward in May 2011.

Date of election: Thursday 10th October 2013

Official result:

  • Benjamin Randles (Conservative) 253
  • Derrick Powell (UKIP) 97
  • Sarah Drake (Liberal Democrat) 72

Turnout: 21.8%


The Candidates

Sarah Drake (Liberal Democrat)

Sarah Drake’s statement to The Journal (from previous by-election):

Sarah Drake, Liberal Democrat candidate.I work for Bristol City Council in the social work team and have lived in Bradley Stoke for three-and-a-half years. I know it’s a fantastic place to be, but I want to make a difference and make it even better.

I can offer a fresh perspective to the town council and want to see sensible debate regarding the issues that matter to our residents rather the squabbling that always seems to present between the two groups on the council.

I am keen to see sufficient funding is made available for services for our children and young people who have been ignored by this council for too long. I am passionate about education and I am happiest when carrying out my role as a Governor at Bowsland Green Primary School.

I also want to ensure that the people of Bradley Stoke are given a voice and that the priorities of the Council reflect those of its residents and not personal agendas.

Election leaflet (6th October 2013)

Derrick Powell (UKIP)

Derrick Powell’s statement to The Journal:

Derrick Powell, UKIP Candidate.

Derrick is an extremely pro-active member of Bradley Stoke where he lives with his wife in the Lakeside Ward where this election is being being held. He already chairs one of Bradley Stokes most successful Residents Associations, the Lakeside Residents Associations, assisting residents with a multitude of issues relating directly to the locality. This work has developed strong relations with the local Police Beat Team, Councils and most importantly, local residents. Derrick also co-ordinates Bradley Stokes new Community Speed Watch Team, actively working to help catch speeding motorists, helping educate the community about the dangers of speeding and the huge benefits of safe driving.

Derrick has a clear focus on community development and always works exceeding hard to help improve local matters by way of support and involvement. His sense of public service is surpassed only by his commitment to any task and project he becomes involved with.

Derrick has key skills he will bring forward with him from his time in industry as an Electrical Engineer and most recently as a Facilitates manager. He has a wealth of practical and managerial experience

Election leaflet and press info (30th September 2013)

Election leaflet (3rd October 2013)

Benjamin Randles (Conservative)

Benjamin Randles’ statement to The Journal:

Ben Randles, Conservative candidate.

As a resident of this great town for many years, I have witnessed my home turn from a busy building site, where my house overlooked a field with diggers, to a large town filled with interesting people from all walks of life.

This has made me care passionately about the development of our town and I now want to help shape its future for the next generation.

Living in Bradley Stoke continues to be a wonderful experience and a great privilege; I see no better way of giving something back to the community, than by serving as a town councillor. I want to work hard, making sure your opinions and ideas are listened to.

I offer a unique perspective as I have lived in Bradley Stoke for most of my life. Being a resident of the ward also gives me a good understanding of what matters to the people in our area.

If elected, I will work conscientiously for the community promoting good ideas and my key aim will be to strive to make our town even better than it already is.

Election leaflet (4th September 2013)

Election leaflet (24th September 2013)

Election leaflet (8th October 2013)

By-election News

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