N.B. This page is no longer actively maintained but is retained for archival purposes.
For information on local MetroBus services, visit the M1 MetroBus page.
The North Fringe to Hengrove Package is composed of three projects drawn together that will make a positive difference to travelling in the North and East Fringes of Bristol and improve links with the south of Bristol via the city centre.
It aims to tackle congestion and reduce dependency on the car, to improve access to job opportunities, help tackle deprivation and link with the proposed new business and housing developments.
The three interrelated projects which make up the Package are:
- Rapid transit route connecting Hengrove with the city centre
- Rapid transit routes connecting the North and East Fringe with the city centre and the Stoke Gifford Transport Link
M32 park and Ride(scrapped in December 2010 revised scheme)
Along with two other proposed bus rapid transit routes in the Greater Bristol area, Ashton Vale to Temple Meads and the South Bristol Link, the North Fringe to Hengrove Package is part of the MetroBus network.
More information:
- Report to South Gloucestershire Council’s Cabinet meeting on 25th July 2011
- Best and final bids submitted to the Department for Transport on 9th September 2011
UPDATE (September 2014): The North Fringe to Hengrove Package MetroBus planning application was approved by South Gloucestershire Council on 9th September 2014, following a similar decision by Bristol City Council on 27th August 2014. The scheme now awaits full approval from the Department for Transport, with a decision expected by March 2015. Subject to final approval being given, construction will start in “spring 2015”, with the first MetroBus services running by “summer 2017”.
- Proposed NFHP Metrobus Routes (from planning application)
- MetroBus: Indicative Construction Programme (from planning application)
Latest Network Map – January 2018

View a large version of the above map. [Dropbox]
Latest Route Map – June 2011

Latest Route Map – January 2011

Latest Route Maps – February 2010

Latest Route Map – November 2009

Earlier Route Maps – 2007
The route of the Bristol City Centre to North Fringe Rapid Transport Package is not yet fully defined but The Journal has obtained the following indicative maps from a document published in 2007.

The above map shows a route between Parkway Station and Bradley Stoke North (i.e. The Willow Brook Centre) that follows Hunts Ground Road, Great Stoke Way and Bradley Stoke Way,

The above map shows a route between a Park and Ride facility beside the M32 at Stapleton to Parkway Station. The route follows Stoke Lane and Coldharbour Lane before a “new build” section that will link the Avon Ring Road with Parkway Station.
Rapid Transit stories in The Journal
Rapid Transit stories from other sources
Other websites
- ASK Bristol on transport (Bristol City Council)