Sophie Mitchell, a young woman from Bradley Stoke who suffered from anorexia as a teenager and spent nearly six months in hospital because of the condition, updates us on her extraordinary programme of fundraising activities for Beat, one of the UK’s leading eating disorders charities. After a successful couple of years fundraising, 2018 has been the best one yet.
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Sophie’s year of fundraising exceeds all expectations
A young woman from Bradley Stoke who suffered from anorexia as a teenager and spent nearly six months in hospital because of the condition has raised nearly £2,000 for Beat, one of the UK’s leading eating disorders charities. In January 2017, Sophie Mitchell, now 21, set herself the target of raising £500 for Beat through a series of local fundraising
Continue readingAnorexia survivor launches charity fundraising campaign
A young woman from Bradley Stoke who suffered from anorexia from the age of 12 is organising a programme of local fundraising events throughout 2017 in aid of Beat, one of the UK’s leading eating disorders charities. Sophie Mitchell, now 20, spent nearly six months in hospital around the time of her sixteenth birthday and has only recently returned to
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