Rottweiler menace in Three Brooks Local Nature Reserve

Rottweiler NoticeNotices warning of a menacing Rottweiler have appeared in the Three Brooks Local Nature reserve. The signs warn dog owners to keep their pets under control at all times and not to allow their pets to cause a nuisance or attack other dogs.

The notice goes on to state that an out-of-control Rottweiler has been harassing other dogs in the area.

A spokesperson for South Gloucestershire Council, whose Dog Wardens posted the notice, told The Journal:

“There have been two incidents recently where dogs have been attacked by a Rottweiler in the nature reserve. Unfortunately, the owners did not get contact details for the people responsible for the Rottweiler, which is why the sign has been put up. “

“Our dog wardens tend to be busy out and about most of the day, but anyone with any information about these incidents can leave messages with our Streetcare colleagues on 01454 868000.”

Click on the thumbnail image to see a larger photo of the notice.

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