The recent relocation of all Bradley Stoke youth clubs to the Brook Way Activity Centre has led to a “confrontation” between youth workers and members of a local netball club (believed to be The Black and Blues), according to Bradley Stoke Town Council.
The news is revealed in the recently published ‘draft’ minutes of a meeting of the Council’s Finance and Leisure Committee, held on Wednesday 21st October.
The committee chose to discuss an agenda item entitled ‘Community Centre Usage’ in closed session, meaning that the press and public were excluded from proceedings.
The minutes reveal that the confrontation occurred on 7th October, the first Wednesday after the youth club relocation on Monday 5th October.
The incident appears to have centred around netballers entering the centre to shelter from bad weather and organise sign ups for the new season.
Youth workers “mindful of [child protection] legislation” are said to have expressed concern over the large number of netballers in the building alongside “the youth” (as the Town Clerk affectionately refers to the young people of our town).
Council members heard that the youth club may have been understaffed on the night in question due to the earlier resignation of a youth leader and absence of other youth workers due to holidays.
Concern was expressed over the general lack of youth supervision and a report that “boys and girls had been seen emerging from the same toilets”.
The incident is said to have led to acrimonious correspondence between youth workers and the netball club over the use of the centre’s toilets.
Councillors agreed that youth workers (or any other hirers) have no right to demand terms and conditions of other hirers of the centre and that in future the netballers should use the disabled toilets, leaving the other toilets for the sole use of “the youth”.
Related links:
- Bradley Stoke Youth Clubs (The Journal)
- Netball in Bradley Stoke (The Journal)