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Secondary school rated “outstanding” by Ofsted inspectors

Bradley Stoke Community School

Bradley Stoke Community School (BSCS) has been classed as “outstanding” by Ofsted inspectors, who visited the school three weeks ago.

The inspectors’ report praises the high standard of leadership and teaching at the school and says that pupils’ achievements are above average:

This is an outstanding school. Its real strength lies in its inclusive and welcoming ethos. The headteacher has provided the school with outstanding leadership and he is well supported by a skilful and effective leadership team.

Together they have created a clear vision for the school which is shared by all staff.

They have been successful in establishing the school at the heart of the community and ensuring that students of all abilities and from all backgrounds are happy and achieve well.

Dave Baker

Writing in the school newsletter, headteacher Dave Baker (pictured right) tells parents and carers:

This [report] is a credit to you, your sons and daughters and the school’s staff and governors and I hope that you will be pleased with what you read.

Asked for further comment by The Journal, Mr Baker showed no signs of resting on his laurels:

We are obviously delighted and relieved that the inspection outcome was so positive but we are also clear that there is still much work to do so we will be formulating an action plan based on the areas for development and the areas judged as good rather than outstanding.

It is, however, a great achievement to have been judged as outstanding overall and my thanks go to staff, students, parents/carers, governors and our community partners for their support in ensuring that this was possible.

Opened in September 2005, BSCS is described by the inspectors as an average sized secondary school. The school’s only previous Ofsted report, issued in 2006 (when there were pupils in years 7 and 8 only) rated the school “good”.

Of our neighbouring secondary schools,  The Ridings High School, Winterbourne (now Winterbourne International Academy) was rated “good” in 2006, while Filton High School and Patchway Community College were rated “satisfactory” in 2006 and 2009 respectively.

A post-16 centre (sixth form) is currently under construction at BSCS. Building work is expected to be completed by May 2010, so that the first cohort of BSCS students can begin their post-16 education at the site in September 2010.

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  1. Congratulations to David and all the staff and pupils at BSCS.

    A credit to the town, and further proof of what an excellent place Bradley Stoke is to live.

  2. I’m pleased the school is doing so well. Unfortunately for my children and many others in Bradley Stoke they’ll have to put up with only the “satisfactory” Patchway School because of where we live in Bradley Stoke and with the new 6th form thers no chance of more places.

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