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Police take action on drugs following community tip-offs

Cannabis "Factory"

Police in Bradley Stoke say they have taken action on drug misuse in the town following tip-offs from local residents.

A statement in the recently-published April/May issue of the Bradley Stoke Police Newsletter reads:

“Thanks to intelligence from members of our community. With the information we have received we have successfully carried out four drugs warrants over the last few weeks in the Bradley Stoke area.”

The news will come as a surprise to attendees of the January meeting of the Bradley Stoke Safer and Stronger Communities Group (SSCG), at which Inspector Bob Evely denied that drugs are a problem in the town.

Inspector Evely was responding to a resident who had asked what the police proposed to do about a house allegedly being used for drug dealing in Great Meadow Road.

Police refused to discuss the allegation during the public session, offering instead to talk with the resident in private after the meeting had closed.

A previous drug raid in Bradley Stoke, back in December 2008, uncovered a cannabis factory at a house in Juniper Way, where police recovered around 450 well-grown cannabis plants with an estimated street value of £180,000.

Drugs also feature on the agenda of the next meeting of the SSCG, which takes place next Tuesday (4th May) at Bradley Stoke Community School (7pm, start), where the agenda includes a presentation on ‘drug and alchohol treatment services’.

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