Councillors to inspect proposed Domino’s Pizza site

Domino's Pizza

South Gloucestershire planners are to visit to the proposed site of a new Domino’s Pizza store this Friday (4th February) at 10:20am following the submission of a planning application to convert a garage in a corner of the car park at Bradley Stoke’s Willow Brook Centre.

The application was referred to South Gloucestershire Council’s Development Control (West) Sites Inspection Sub-Committee by Cllr Peter Tyzack in order to “allow members to see the site and consider parking provision, the impact upon neighbouring residential properties and the potential conflict between pedestrians and vehicles”.

Willow Brook Centre garage

Issues that Committee members are being asked to consider include whether or not:

  • The location of the building is appropriate for the proposed use in the context of the Town Centre.
  • The proposed development would result in an unacceptable environmental impact to the detriment of the residential amenity of the occupants of nearby dwellings from noise, smell, litter and disturbance from activity.
  • The proposed development would itself cause or exacerbate anti-social behaviour to the detriment of residential amenity and the amenity of the Town Centre.
  • The proposed development would compromise the car parking capacity in the context of a fully occupied Town Centre; and whether or not the development would compromise pedestrian safety.

Following on from this public meeting, it is expected that the application will receive further attention at the Development Control (West) Committee meeting on Thursday 17th February.

Bradley Stoke Town Council’s Planning Committee has objected to the application, claiming that the takeaway would “affect the amenity of neighbouring properties” and that there is “already adequate provision of this type of business in the local area”.

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