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Bradley Stoke kayaker’s death was accidental, rules coroner

Bradley Stoke in the media.

The Avon Coroner has delivered a verdict of accidental death in the case of a Bradley Stoke man who suffered a cardiac arrest while kayaking on the River Frome.

Iain Woodcock, 33, was helping fellow kayakers across a weir when a log slammed into his boat and pushed him towards a swirling “cauldron” of water.

Mr Woodcock, who had a seven-month-old daughter, was tossed about “like a rag doll” by the strong currents in the fierce undertow of the weir.

Despite his frantic attempts to escape and brave efforts of others to save him, he was dragged under and perished in the freezing waters.

The motorcycle instructor was a member of the Keynsham-based Globe360 canoe lifeguard unit and also volunteered for the emergency blood service Freewheelers.

Read more: Father drowned on night time white-water trip as he helped other kayakers escaping raging torrent (Mail Online)

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