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Town council objects to plans for Tesco ‘Click & Collect’ facility

Proposed 'Click & Collect' pod at Tesco Extra, Bradley Stoke.

Bradley Stoke Town Council has lodged an objection to a plan by Tesco to construct a ‘Click & Collect’ unit in the car park of its Willow Brook Centre store.

The company wants to build the customer collection ‘pod’ at a site on the northern boundary of the car park, immediately behind houses in Dewfalls Drive.

The ‘Click & Collect’ service allows customers to order and pay for their shopping online and then collect it within a chosen timeslot from the customer collection point at the store.

The new service is aimed at customers who lead busy life styles and cannot guarantee that they will be at home to take receipt of the normal home delivery service provided by the store.

The Town Council’s grounds for objection are that:

“The proposed site is too close to existing houses and is against the spirit of the original planning permission for the site which was to ensure that retail units did not impact on the surrounding houses.”

The consultation period on the plans runs until Wednesday 17th April and, so far, there has been one other objection, from a resident of Dewfalls Drive.

The ‘Design and Access Statement’ submitted as part of the application suggests that the operating hours of the collection point would be 8am to 8pm (Mon-Sat) and 10am-4pm (Sun), although the application form itself lists differing hours of 6am-midnight for Monday through Saturday.

The site of the proposed collection point is not far from an outbuilding in the corner of the car park that the shopping centre applied to turn into a pizza takeaway in 2010. That application was eventually refused by South Gloucestershire Council on the grounds that it would “have a detrimental impact upon the residential amenity of the occupants of nearby dwellings”.

Related link: Tesco ‘Click & Collect’ service

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  1. Thank you BSTC for your consideration of local residents, shame on you Tesco for totally disregarding/ignoring the affect that this would have on families living close to the proposed site.

  2. I just hope collections can happen outside of the current limited (and pointless) Sunday trading hour restrictions.

  3. Think its a very good idea but not in that location. Why not in that area where the row of units end, plenty of space there and could look like adding a car port to the units already there.

  4. Come on council give in now and let Tesco have their way as it must be very hard for them to be profitable in the current climate…. It’s not fair on them now is it?

  5. I fail to see the problem. There are no considerations for many other housed areas by council, businesses and residents on other topics. Sounds like a good idea for the busy lifestyle we live in these days.

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