Since September last year, a new social club for the over-55s has been meeting weekly at the Jubilee Centre in Bradley Stoke.
The group meets every Wednesday between 2pm and 3.30pm, and is keen to invite more local people to join them.
The group was started by local residents who felt isolated and wanted to meet more people in the community. One of the residents, Maureen, contacted her housing provider, Knightstone Housing, who helped her set up and start promoting the group.
The group often meet for tea and a chat, but have also run activities like photography workshops and ‘get online’ sessions. On 14th January, the group spent the afternoon making bath bombs, and they’re looking forward to other activities they have planned for 2016.
Group member Maureen said:
“This group has been great for people who want to get out of the house and meet others in their community. We know there are lots of others out there, men and women alike, who are by themselves and feeling isolated. We’d like to invite them to come along and join us. We’re a friendly, welcoming group. There’s no pressure to come every week. You can drop in any time, even if it’s just for a quick cup of tea.”
Jamie Dockerty, Knightstone’s social coordinator, said:
“We’d really like more members of the community to come along to the group’s get-togethers. We’re always keen to hear people’s ideas for activities too, as the programme for the year is evolving all the time. We’re already arranging for local businesses and organisations to give talks, about anything from recycling to hedgehogs!”
If you’d like to find out more about the social club, get in touch with Jamie on 01934 526 309 or 07921 386 852. You can also email
Photo: Jamie Dockerty (back row, left) with members of the group that meets on Wednesdays at the Jubilee Centre.
This article originally appeared in the February 2016 edition of the Bradley Stoke Journal news magazine, delivered FREE, EVERY MONTH, to 9,500 homes in Bradley Stoke, Little Stoke and Stoke Lodge. Phone 01454 300 400 to enquire about advertising or leaflet insertion.