Local Townswomen’s Guild enters its ninth year

Willow Brook Townswomen's Guild: Red Arrows flypast at the Prosecco Cream Tea

Now entering its ninth year, Willow Brook Townswomen’s Guild is a group for women of all ages in and around Bradley Stoke who are interested in making new friends, discovering their local area, getting involved with a variety of local and national issues and, above all, having fun!

Meetings take place monthly on a Tuesday evening and 2017’s fun-filled evening programme has included a Valentine’s quiz (complete with chocolates and red roses), a fashion show, guest speakers (including a local artist and radio presenter) and a summer Hawaiian Luau (with tropical punch, nibbles, hula hooping and grass skirts!).

The Guild also organises regular social events including day trips, coffee mornings and afternoon teas, lunches, guided walks and a book club. Members can also join in events with other local Guilds organised by the Bristol North West Federation, such as flower and craft shows, quizzes and carol concerts.

Committee member Linda Allebon said:

“Since the Guild was established in 2009, it has gone from strength to strength with many friendships being formed, worthy causes supported and numerous social events enjoyed during this time! In addition to our ninth birthday celebratory meal in September, a fundraising evening for our charity of 2017 (Lifeskills Bristol) and our annual Christmas party, we’re looking forward to lots more exciting activities in 2018. We’re always happy to welcome new members and guests – do come along and meet our friendly ladies who will be there to greet you.”

Willow Brook Townswomen’s Guild meets on the second Tuesday of each month, 7.30pm to 9.30pm at the Jubilee Centre, Bradley Stoke. For further information please contact Janine on 01454 617645 or visit the Guild’s Facebook page at www.facebook.com/WillowBrookTG

The full 2017 evening programme can be found on the national Townswomen’s Guild website at http://bit.ly/wibrtwg

Photo: Prosecco Cream Tea event, complete with Red Arrows flypast

This article originally appeared in the September 2017 issue of the Bradley Stoke Journal news magazine (on page 15). The magazine is delivered FREE, EVERY MONTH, to 9,500 homes in Bradley Stoke, Little Stoke and Stoke Lodge. Phone 01454 300 400 to enquire about advertising or leaflet insertion.

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