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New homes application ‘called in’ after officers recommend approval

A planning application to build 21 affordable new homes on one of the last remaining building plots in Bradley Stoke has been recommended for approval by officers at South Gloucestershire Council (SGC).

Aerial view.
Hornbeam Close planning application: Aerial view.

The fate of the application will, however, now be determined by a committee of councillors after Cllr John Ashe (Bradley Stoke South) invoked the ‘call in’ procedure, which could potentially result in the officer recommendation being overturned.

The proposed site is a vacant plot of land adjoining Hornbeam Close, directly opposite the Tesco filling station at the Willow Brook shopping centre.

The scheme, put forward by housing association LiveWest, comprises a terrace of nine family homes, a block of eleven ‘supported living’ apartments and a separate wheelchair-accessible bungalow. The family homes will be for social rent tenure while the apartments will be for affordable rent tenure.

The terraced properties consist of seven 2-storey, 2-bed homes and two 3-storey, 3-bed homes; all with private gardens.

Kitchen & Laundry Appliance Care, Bradley Stoke, Bristol.

The ‘supported living’ apartments, intended for tenants with learning difficulties, are each one-bed and the block also incorporates some communal space. The 2-bed bungalow shares a communal garden with the apartments.

Vehicular access to the site will be via an extension of Hornbeam Close, which leads off Savages Wood Road.

Several neighbours have raised objections to the application, citing concerns over the plan to access the site through Hornbeam Close. They claim that the road already suffers from traffic manoeuvring difficulties due to there being insufficient parking provision for the existing properties served by the road.

Bradley Stoke Town Council also lodged an objection on the grounds of “overdevelopment of the site and insufficient parking provision”.


When the application was first submitted, in April 2021, it was proposed that a total of 24 parking spaces would be provided for the 21 dwellings, inclusive of five unallocated/visitor parking bays. The applicant conceded that this level of provision fell short of the 29 spaces required by SGC’s Parking Standards but argued that the town centre location and the fact that people with learning disabilities “generally do not drive” could justify the shortfall.

Following negotiations, the applicant has since amended the scheme to incorporate 28 parking spaces, still including five visitor spaces, with the ability to include a further two spaces at a future date. Whilst still strictly non-compliant, council officers have deemed this improved provision acceptable.

With reference to Bradley Stoke Town Council’s assertion of “overdevelopment”, the SGC case officer’s report points to a policy which requires housing development to “make efficient use of land, to conserve resources and maximise the amount of housing supplied, particularly in and around town centres and other locations where there is good pedestrian access.”

The report goes on to conclude that the proposed development is “considered appropriate in terms of impact upon existing and future residential amenity”, “makes best use of the available land without appearing cramped” and “has a layout which is considered acceptable”.

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It is anticipated that the application will be considered by SGC’s Development Management Committee on Thursday 25th November (live feed available).

More information and related links:

This article originally appeared in the November/December 2021 issue of the Bradley Stoke Journal magazine (on page 21). The magazine is delivered FREE, nine times a year, to ALL 8,700 homes in Bradley Stoke. Phone 01454 300 400 to enquire about advertising or leaflet insertion.

Committee meeting date confirmed

UPDATE added 24th November 2021.

A site inspection visit by members of SGC’s Development Management Committee is understood to have taken place on Friday 12th November 2021.

The Hornbeam Close planning application has duly appeared on the agenda for a meeting of the Development Management Committee on Thursday 25th November 2021.

More information:

Extract from the constitution of South Gloucestershire Council:

If the Development Management Committee passes a resolution that is contrary to the officer recommendation on a major planning application*, as defined by the Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) Order 2015 (or any subsequent amendments), the decision of the Committee will be automatically deferred for consideration and determination by the Spatial Planning Committee. Officers will provide the Spatial Planning Committee with an updated report which takes account of the reasons given by the relevant committee for reaching its decision. The Officer report will include all relevant professional advice to the Spatial Planning Committee which will make the final decision.

* As this application involves the construction of ten or more dwellings, the Journal understands that this application is considered a ‘major planning application’ for the purposes of the above referenced order.


Permission granted

UPDATE added 25th November 2021.

SGC’s Development Management Committee today voted to grant permission for the development.

Cllr John Ashe (Bradley Stoke South), who ‘called in’ the application, did not attend the meeting.

View the archived webcast of the discussion.

View the minutes of the meeting (item 120 refers).

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