Olympus consults on changes to admission arrangements from September 2023

Graphic showing text: "Olympus Academy Trust: Consultation on September 2023 admission arrangements"

The Olympus Academy Trust is consulting on proposed changes to admission arrangements for some of its schools with effect from September 2023.

If approved, the changes would see the Reception intake of Stoke Lodge Primary School being halved and the minimum academic criteria for entry to the trust’s Post-16 programme being raised by one GCSE grade.

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The main changes proposed are:

  1. Stoke Lodge Primary School is proposing to reduce its Published Admission Number for Reception from 60 to 30, based on falling numbers over the last few years.
  2. The inclusion of a Year 10 intake at Abbeywood Community School, with a Published Admission Number of 60, for students who wish to follow a STEM [science, technology, engineering and mathematics] course of study. Proposed over-subscription criteria will be:
    1. Looked After or Previously Looked After Children
    2. All other applicants, with those living closest to the school ranked highest
  3. Lyde Green Community School proposes to create an Area of Prime Responsibility, following the boundaries of the Lyde Green housing area.
  4. The academic entry criteria to Olympus Post-16 will be raised from a Grade 4 to a Grade 5 average at GCSE.

To view the full draft arrangements for all the trust’s schools, visit the Admissions page on the Olympus Academy Trust website. Paper copies are also available on request.

Any feedback should be sent to lisa.stevens@olympustrust.co.uk and will be considered by trustees before the final arrangements are determined. The consultation period ends on 31st January 2022.

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