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Opinions sought on Jubilee Green play park

Jubilee Park Grand OpeningResidents of Bradley Stoke and beyond are being asked for their views on the town’s Jubilee Green play park, adjacent to the Jubilee Centre in Savages Wood Road.

The park was officially opened in July 2009 following two months of construction funded by the Big Lottery Fund, South Gloucestershire Council and Bradley Stoke Town Council.

The Friends of Jubilee Green, a group of volunteers set up to improve and promote the play park and community space, are asking users to complete a survey to provide feedback and help prioritise new projects.

Two issues that have already caused concern, according to information on the Friends’ website, are car parking and the use of toilets at the nearby Jubilee Centre.

Visitors to the park are warned that cars parked in the Jubilee Centre car park are liable to get locked in should the centre close while they are visiting the park.

With no public toilet facilities at the site, park users are advised to walk to the town’s Willow Brook shopping centre. This is because the Town Council does not allow members of the public to use toilets within the Jubilee Centre when any of its rooms are in use by hirers.

Completed survey forms [MS Word] must be returned by Friday 13th November.

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