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Youth group leader honoured with Community Award

Ken Burrows of the South West Winterguard Academy

The leader of a Bradley Stoke youth group was among 28 “unsung heroes” honoured at the recent South Gloucestershire Community Awards evening in Filton.

Ken Burrows, Core Director of the South West Winterguard Academy (SWWA), was handed a Chair’s Community Award at a special ceremony held at BAWA on Thursday 29th March.

The awards honour people give up their time freely to help others and bring communities together.

The Chair of South Gloucestershire Council, Cllr Mike Drew presented the main awards and he was joined by Dame Janet Trotter, the Lord Lieutenant of Gloucestershire, who presented a special award to two of the volunteers.

Cllr Mike Drew said:

“I was amazed at the incredible commitment shown by all the volunteers. Their work makes a significant contribution to the quality of life of so many people within the South Gloucestershire community. Without them, community life in our area would be much poorer.”

A Council press release described Mr Burrows’ achievements as follows:

“Ken has given up endless hours of his time organising events, applying for grants, purchasing equipment and hiring coaches to take the young participants to competitions. Due to Ken’s efforts and dedication this academy is helping to keep young people fit, making lots of new friends and build up their confidence.”

The SWWA has performed at a number of recent community events in Bradley Stoke, including the Severnvale Community Showcase in October 2010 and the Family Fun Day and five-a-side football tournament in June 2011.

Mr Burrows organised a Community Showcase event in Patchway in January 2011 and was also behind the South Gloucestershire Community Showcase event at Thornbury Leisure Centre in January this year.

Bradley Stoke's South West Winterguard Academy

Photo: Demonstration by the South West Winterguard Academy at the 2010 Severnvale Community Showcase in Bradley Stoke’s Town Square.

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