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Dreamscheme will reward youngsters for community work

Graffiti boards at the Brook Way Youth Club, Bradley Stoke.

Young people aged 8 to 16 in Bradley Stoke are being invited to earn rewards by taking part in a community project over the summer holidays.

The Dreamscheme programme is a youth volunteering scheme that gets young people involved in their community and rewards them with points that can be used for trips or rewards.

WORK = POINTS = REWARDS (1 hour = 10 points)

Dreamscheme youth volunteering scheme.

Work activities that have previously been carried out by Dreamschemers includes, gardening, car washing, leaflet dropping, bulb planting, litter picking and bag packing.

Reward activities have included swimming, bowling, cinema, pizza meals, games in the park and horse riding.

The latest project involves working with an artist to help design and spray paint a large piece of community graffiti art that will be placed at the Bradley Stoke Skate Park, near the Leisure Centre.

The work will take place on the following dates:

  • Thursday/Friday 9th/10th August from 9:45am to 1pm
  • Monday/Tuesday 13th/14th August from 9:45 to 3pm

Anyone wishing to take part is invited to contact Winsome Barrett-Muir of Southern Brooks Community Partnership on 01454 868570.

More summer holiday activities for children in Bradley Stoke

The ‘5 Alive’ playscheme, run by the Four Towns Play Association, provides free activities for children aged 5 to 11 years. Sessions run at Bradley Stoke Community School every weekday until Friday 17th August.

The morning session runs from 10:30am to 12:30pm and the afternoon session from 1:30pm to 3:30pm.

There is no need to book – just turn up and complete a registration form (first come – first served). Remember to bring a drink sun hat and sun lotion.

The association also runs similar schemes in Filton, Patchway Stoke Gifford and Winterbourne. For more information phone 0117 230 9455.

Photo: Graffiti boards in the garden of the former Brook Way Youth Club.

Related link: What’s On in Bradley Stoke (The Journal)

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