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Reaping the benefits of ‘growing your own’ – in December!

News from an allotment holder at Hortham Farm, Almondsbury


It’s been quite a busy time on the allotment with clearing and composting to be done. I have been pleasantly surprised at how long summer vegetables have continued to be productive, I certainly didn’t expect to be picking summer purple sprouting in December!

The shallots, onions and garlic I planted in October have all made their appearance, interestingly I did find some onion bulbs some distance from their planting place. Playtime for the birds maybe?

As this is my first attempt at vegetable growing and managing an allotment I have had to rely heavily on my trusty allotment book, internet and anyone passing! I planted winter purple sprouting, cabbages, sprouts, and kale all at the appropriate time and already we have been eating the kale, I must say I didn’t realise kale was so delicious! Alongside my own potatoes, leeks, onions and parsnips my personal chef (husband) is quite impressed with my efforts!

Runner beans growing on bamboo cane supports.

When I took the allotment on, my intention was to walk or ride my bike to the allotment but it hasn’t quite worked out like that! However one day I did notice the small bus that comes along the A38 and down into Hortham village, so thought maybe I could walk to the farm and bus back using my bus pass (no need to ask which age bracket I’m in!) However the day I chose, I needed to bring back the bean sticks and no, the bus driver wasn’t too happy!

It is great fun having an allotment in so many different ways and I can certainly recommend it, even if it’s only for a year, it’s worth a try. There are just a few allotments left if you want to make any new year resolutions. Anyway, back to the seed catalogues.

Article by Joan at Allotment No. 8

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