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Hollow Tree landlord raises car park issue with town council

Car park at the Hollow Tree public house in Bradley Stoke, Bristol.

The manager of the Hollow Tree public house and restaurant in Brook Way, Bradley Stoke, has claimed that his business is losing up to £500 of potential trade a day because staff and customers of neighbouring businesses are using his pub’s car park without permission, leaving no space for patrons of the pub during the peak hours of 12pm  –4pm.

Speaking during the public questions session at a meeting of Bradley Stoke Town Council on 15th January, landlord Gary Millard said he had heard that staff at Bradley Stoke Surgery had been advised by the town council to use his car park as an alternative to the often congested car park at the doctors’ practice.

He also said he suspected that staff at other nearby businesses including the Rowe Veterinary Centre, Reed Recruitment and Busy Bees Nursery were using his car park during working hours.

The town clerk assured Mr Millard that the town council had “never issued such advice” to the doctors’ surgery.

Mr Millard explained that he had confirmed with South Gloucestershire Council that the section of the car park on the left side, viewed from Ferndene, “belongs to the pub”.

Photo: 10.45am on a recent Thursday morning – Pub not yet open, but car park full.

This article originally appeared in the February 2014 edition of the Bradley Stoke Journal magazine, delivered FREE, EVERY MONTH, to 9,250 homes in Bradley Stoke and Little Stoke.

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  1. First the Manager of the Hollow Tree SHOULD Improve the quality of service in the dinning area. Not acceptable of waiting soooo looonnnng, or being served foods without any cutlery and have to wait 10 minutes before one member of this great team decides to moved and actually brings forks and knives. So maybe he is losing so much money because people talks…..:)That’s of course my personal opinion !

  2. Rob, may have been empty then, but since the surgery parking issue which has recently happened, wouldn’t suprise me if cars are now parking at hollow tree.

  3. I have noticed that Aldi has become very much more popular over the last 12 months, and this is probably the biggest reason why the car park is full

  4. Why cant this car park do as the Three brooks has done and put it as a Pay and Display car park and get your money back when you buy a drink or food inside

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