Are you a former pupil or member of staff at Holy Trinity Primary School?

Holy Trinity Primary School, Bradley Stoke.

Bradley Stoke’s Holy Trinity Primary School has organised a whole week of events to celebrate the 20th anniversary of its opening and is inviting former pupils and members of staff to attend a barbecue on Friday (23rd May) from 5pm to 9pm.

Headteacher Jane Johns explained to The Journal:

“The school was officially opened in May 1993 and we are marking our 20th birthday with a week of celebrations.”

“On Friday 23rd May, we are holding a family barbecue from 5pm to 9pm on the school field and it would wonderful if former pupils and members of staff could join us for this event and celebrate.”

“In order to cater adequately, it would be very helpful if you could let the school know if you intend to be there. Please contact the school office on 01454 866735 or email the school on

Full programme of events:

  • Monday 19th May: Non-uniform (pyjamas or onsies) day; meeting members of the church family; pizza, popcorn and film evening.
  • Tuesday 20th May: ‘Well done’ worship for people who have played a significant role in the life of the school; treasure hunt in the school grounds.
  • Wednesday 21st May: Fundraising for CLIC Sargent; mass balloon launch from the Willow Brook Centre.
  • Thursday 22nd May: Visit to Savages Wood; whole school hide and seek.
  • Friday 23rd May: Celebration worship in the presence of the Bishop of Bristol; lunch on the field; afternoon of fun on the field; friends’ barbecue.

More info: School Birthday Celebrations [PDF]

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  1. @Andy: Good question. I’m told the school opened to pupils in September 1993 but the official opening ceremony didn’t take place until May 1994. So it’s the 20th anniversary of the official opening!

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