Two suggestions for “Bradley Stokers” suffering poor bus services to Bristol (as recorded in recent editions of the Bradley Stoke Journal magazine):
- Try the trains from nearby Patchway Station (not Parkway). Morning departures 07:06, 07:37 and 08:39 – and only twelve minutes to Temple Meads. A poor frequency and overcrowding, but quick!
- Contact Jack Lopresti’s (our MP’s) office to support what he and I are trying to do, which is to improve the timetable with more stops at this increasingly busy, but woefully inadequately served station.
This is a non-party issue (I, personally am apolitical), so if Ian Boulton (Labour Parliamentary Candidate) reads this, he could do likewise, ditto for Cllr Tom Aditya!
A broad united front is needed against the obstructive unholy trinity of First Great Western, The Department for Transport and Network Rail. Even South Gloucestershire Council might take an interest?
Finally, if you do try the train, return services from Temple Meads leave at 16:24, 17:21 and 18:21. The first two are very busy, but, again, the journey is only twelve minutes!
John Grose
Photo: Patchway Station (it’s actually in Little Stoke, rather than Patchway!)
This letter originally appeared in the February 2015 edition of the Bradley Stoke Journal news magazine, delivered FREE, EVERY MONTH, to 9,500 homes in Bradley Stoke, Little Stoke and Stoke Lodge. Phone 01454 300 400 to enquire about advertising or leaflet insertion.
I welcome suggestions made by Mr John Grose. I feel it’s positive. Nevertheless there should be connecting bus services or else provision for easy access to and from the Little Stoke train station, otherwise it will not be sustainable in the long run. However I agree that there should be a broad united front to work together on these issues. Let’s start the ball rolling. Thank you.
See this story (and readers’ comments) on the BSJ Facebook page:
Not only poor frequency but the trains are frequently short-formed (i.e, they’re supposed to be comprised of three carriages and they turn up with two).
Now, if it’s standing room only with three carriages, guess what happens when the train turns up with two? Yep, the guard sticks his head out of the window, says “sorry, no room at the inn” and the train pulls away again, leaving you stood around for another hour.
Trains are NOT an alternative to anything, trust me. Been there, tried it.
One curiosity about Patchway is that cheap day returns to Temple Meads are not available, but you can get them from Filton Abbey Wood, Parkway and Severn Tunnel.
I did query this and got a reply which looked a bit of a cut paste job, but it did say they would review if there was more demand.