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Bradley Stoke in Bloom report for November

Giant Remembrance poppies installed near Manor Farm Roundabout by the Bradley Stoke in Bloom group.

An update from Sara Messenger of the Bradley Stoke in Bloom group.

Palmers Corner

We have been very pleased with our ‘Palmers Corner’, not only with its vast improvement but, whenever we are working there, the number of people who come over to say thank you. Although SGC have yet to give us permission to take over this patch, or to respond to our request that they add the grass cutting to their schedule, we remain hopeful! One of the apple trees was not thriving so we replaced it with two more (fruit trees are best when planted in pollinating pairs) but we were very disappointed when the following day we discovered the area had been dug up. Although the trench has now been filled, the raspberry bush and an apple tree have been lost and the new grass left resembling the Somme. We have approached Western Power to ask how they intend to repair the damage caused and are pleased to report that they are looking into it.

The Common East

We swapped our November workday from bulb planting (it was just too wet) to the Common where we were joined by builder Steve who installed a gate to the orchard and repaired the damaged seat. Thank you to Steve and to the neighbours who bought us hot drinks to keep out the cold! We also managed to put in a temporary repair to the pond’s overflow and to remove much of the duckweed that was covering the pond, while being careful to return all the rams horn snails and sticklebacks. This pond has really benefited from our attentions and is looking much healthier already. On the path to Cornfield Close, the high winds had brought down two trees and left several more at a dangerous angle, so we bought down all of the unsafe trees and used one to make a new informal seat.

Willow Brook Centre
Can it really be a year since we joined forces with Almondsbury Garden Centre and the Willow Brook Centre? The five planters, including the herb and kitchen planters have seen quite a few changes over the year, and although not everything we tried was successful, we feel they do brighten the town square, so we were very pleased to receive from Andy Wynn, Willow Brook Centre Manager and Megan Dickens, Operations Manager a rather large cheque for £500, which we hope to partly spend on the roundabout at the entrance to the town centre.

Break in

We were disappointed to hear that our tool store had been broken into again, although the shed wasn’t vandalised and nothing was taken, several of our tools had been ‘borrowed’ and some (a pair of shears and a lawn trimmer), are now damaged, as are the doors. It is doubtful we could make another insurance claim, so if we can’t get the tools repaired we will just have to replace them ourselves.


But on a positive note, we were glad our Halloween decorations were enjoyed and our signs ‘Bradley Stoke – Enter if you dare’ were taken with good humour. Not wanting to encroach on the Scouts’ plan to decorate the town square with poppies, we put ours by the Manor Farm roundabout and on the Savages Wood roundabout and we were greatly surprised but very pleased to see just how very popular our giant poppies were. Sadly, storm Abigail wasn’t so kind and she did leave them rather battered and in need of running repairs, perhaps next year we should make them out of something other than kite fabric!

How to contact Bradley Stoke in Bloom:

Representatives of the Willow Brook Centre present a cheque for £500 to Sara Messenger (centre) of Bradley Stoke in Bloom.

Photos (from top): 1 Giant poppies installed near Manor Farm Roundabout. 2 Representatives of the Willow Brook Centre present a cheque for £500 to Sara Messenger (centre) of BSiB.

This article originally appeared in the December 2015 edition of the Bradley Stoke Journal news magazine, delivered FREE, EVERY MONTH, to 9,500 homes in Bradley Stoke, Little Stoke and Stoke Lodge. Phone 01454 300 400 to enquire about advertising or leaflet insertion.

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