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Motorists warned to plan ahead for A4174 & M32 closures

Church Lane Bridge on the A4174 (TravelWest).

4th/5th June: Overnight closure of A4174

The A4174 is being widened to create a new bus lane for the MetroBus network.

The road widening means that the bus lane can be installed without taking away space from other road users. The existing Church Lane bridge over the A4174 has been removed and will be replaced with a bridge that has a longer span.

The A4174 Bristol ring road east-bound between the Hambrook and Bromley Heath roundabout will be closed overnight on Saturday 4th June and Sunday 5th June, from 9pm – 5.30am.

A diversion will be marked and is as follows: turn right at Bristol Rd (B4058), continue on Frenchay Park Rd, left onto Broom Hill, follow around into Manor Rd, left onto Fishpond Rd, continue onto Downend Rd, left onto Overndale Rd, continue onto Bromley Heath Rd and re-join A4174.

The closure will allow narrow traffic lanes to be put in. These will be in place until October 2016, allowing MetroBus to build a new bus lane between the two roundabouts. By narrowing the lanes, two traffic lanes can be kept open throughout this period.

Whilst the work is being completed, there will be a new 30mph speed limit in place on this section of road and wide vehicles will be able to use lane one only. Work on this section of the A4174 is due for completion by the end of the year.

The work is being carried out by MetroBus contractors North Midland Construction.

More info:

10th-13th June: Weekend closure of M32

M32 weekend closure 10th to 13th June 2016.

There will be some closures on the M32 between junctions 1 and 3 from 8pm on Friday 10th June until 6am on Monday 13th June.

The closures will allow a new bridge to be put in place over the motorway for the MetroBus bus-only junction and are required to carry out this work safely.

Alternative routes in and out of Bristol will be clearly signposted during the closures.

Route diversions are being managed by Highways England who are working with Bristol, South Gloucestershire, North Somerset and Bath & North East Somerset councils.

Traffic will be advised of the closure prior to junctions 18 and 16 of the M5. On the M4 traffic will be advised to come off at the junction 18 to access south and east Bristol.

M32 Closure Programme

The temporary closures are taking place over the weekend when traffic levels are lower. To minimise closures of the M32 and the associated impact, the work has been split into four shifts:

  • Friday 10th June 8pm to Saturday 11th June 8am
    Full closure between Junction 1 and 3 in both directions
  • Saturday 11th June 8am to 8pm
    Full closure between Junction 1 and 2 in both directions
    Traffic management between Junction 2 and 3
  • Saturday 11th June 8pm to Sunday 12th June 6am
    Full closure between Junction 1 and 3 in both directions
  • Sunday 12th June 6am to 6pm
    M32 and all junctions open
  • Sunday 12th June 6pm to Monday 13th June 6am
    Full closure between Junction 2 and 3 in both directions

To help you plan your journeys in advance, please visit

This article originally appeared in the June 2016 edition of the Bradley Stoke Journal news magazine, delivered FREE, EVERY MONTH, to 9,500 homes in Bradley Stoke, Little Stoke and Stoke Lodge. Phone 01454 300 400 to enquire about advertising or leaflet insertion.

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  1. Sat 10th will we be able to use M32 from M4 to junction 1 to access the A4174 ring road? Or is that section going to be closed too?

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