Recently, I drove to work at Filton from Bradley Stoke via Braydon Avenue (Little Stoke). I joined the traffic at the mini-roundabout at the end and queued all the way to the A38, and then from Patchway all the way to the roundabout at Filton. It took me half-an-hour to go about four miles.
The following day, I went via Gipsy Patch Lane and queued all the way along Gipsy Patch until I came to the A38, then joined the queue all the way up to the Filton roundabout; it was no quicker. My car was chucking out whatever cars chuck out for the same time.
I now read in the Journal that the former East Works site is being developed into offices, warehouses, hotels and car showrooms … so I carefully looked to see what road improvements were going to be made. Did I miss something in your article? So, let me get this straight: South Glos Council now wants to attract more businesses, as well as agreeing to build 3,500 houses on the other side of the A38 on Filton runway, but with no change to the road infrastructure? Oh yes, ‘the MetroBus’ is the answer. Well it doesn’t go my way!
I remember this happening with Sainsbury’s, Sun Life and B&Q, then the MoD and the Abbey Wood Retail Park. They all moved in with zero road improvements, so this council has history.
Filton, Patchway and the five Stokes are just going to be totally gridlocked in a few years’ time during rush hour times and it’s going to still be a nightmare for normal residents outside of those times.
It’s all very well upgrading the railway bridge at Gipsy Patch with two extra lanes for the MetroBus, but two extra lanes will be needed for cars as well, the A38 needs an extra lane, the dual carriageway from Winterbourne should continue to the A38. The only hope is that the MetroBus fails and the extra lanes can be used for relieving the already congested roads.
South Glos Council is encouraging me, and I know a lot of my friends, to think very hard about staying and living in an area which is going to be a total nightmare to go anywhere or do anything in a few years’ time. No thought has been given to how ambulances and fire service vehicles get around in emergencies during rush hour. I guess it won’t be the time to have a heart attack or house fire.
Graham Osborn, Bradley Stoke
Image: Indicative artist’s impression of the proposed new railway bridge on Gipsy Patch Lane (looking west).
This letter originally appeared in the December 2016 edition of the Bradley Stoke Journal news magazine (on page 7). The magazine is delivered FREE, EVERY MONTH, to 9,500 homes in Bradley Stoke, Little Stoke and Stoke Lodge. Phone 01454 300 400 to enquire about advertising or leaflet insertion.
I took this up with Jack Lopresti when battling to keep Filton runway open. His reply was amazing.
The core strategy planners have innovative ideas where people and their place of work will co-exist together along with shops and schools built on the ex Rolls-Royce and Filton runway sites . There will be no need for them to use thier cars during rush hour!! I was so taken aback someone could be so visionary and yet at the same time live on a different planet.
Not only is there a major problem with the road structure in the area but the retail in the Willowbrook at Bradley stoke has been drastically hit, after all if you get in you may not get out of the area. So I say all round what a mess.
So people are expected to give up jobs they already have to take a job near home. Assuming the jobs available are what they can do. And there are enough of them!
What about Stoke Lane – residents have to put up with all the cars using it as a rat run to get to the A38. We now have 2 pedestrian crossings but still some drivers ignore them.
I live in a cul-de-sac off Braydon Avenue with approximately 100 houses. Most families have 2 cars, very few catch a bus as there is no bus. Most of the journeys are commutes or to school or the shops. First bus’s service is very poor, I cannot get a bus to the shops (X74 taken off) and there is no quick bus into Bristol. Metrobus won’t solve the problem, too far away so I have to drive. I expect it is the same all over this part of Bristol. I would love to use the bus for local journeys if there was one. The development of the airfield site will only exasperate the problem with thousands more car journeys so people can get to work. The traffic situation is bad now, it will only get worse unless the infrastructure is improved now. It won’t be cheap, millions will be required to alleviate total gridlock. It needs to be done NOW not once the houses, warehouses & offices are built. Upgrades to the A38, Hayes Way, Highwood Road and other major roads, proper junctions ( multi level) rather than traffic lights. Otherwise the whole area will grind to a halt.
The original posts says about the access for emergency vehicles being very difficult, however the metro bus bus lanes are for use from these vehicles…
David Yarrow – I raised the ponit of a local shutte service on Radio Bristol last week, as part of a what would you like for a christmas present for your community My suggestion was a small bus that did a trip hourly, around the area, one that you could use to get to schools, GPs, shops. I know there is the transport for older people but it needs to be able to be used by all ages. And also it would connect with this marvelous metrobus that’s going to solve all our problems as long as we can get to it
With all this continued standing traffic polution, South Glos will rename it Bradley Choke!! And all these planners dont care for are clean air, As they dont live in the 5 Stokes. A good area to live, Being killed by South Gloustershire planners greed. North Bristol is being over developed, By Council and planners, Who need to understand the word Civil Infastructure… Clearly the temptation of a Brown envelope sliding across a Posh resturant table is to much to resist. A Council that no way cares for North Bristol.” Moving to Bejing China” For cleaner air !!!!
S Glos Councillors have for past 20/30 years made terrible decisions regarding the whole area resulting In this gridlock situation and THINK this Metro scheme will resolve the problems. Metro is a White elephant start to finish causing much misery & £Millions poured down the drain Thanks Jack, Brian Allison and Co for the havoc you have created
The main problem is that the council approves plan permission with loads of cul del sac and only 1 way out of the whole new town. Bradley stoke has only 3 ways out, 1 of which considered a”rat run”. Developer wants cul de sac because houses sell for more, it is the council duty to ensure the right balance. I wonder what the developers promise to the councelors, who are not stupid people, in order to have them approve their plan.
cities around the work have either a grid road system or a concentric circle road system (romans or naploleon system). North Bristol has no system!