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MetroBus project: February progress report

The Woodlands Lane junction with Bradley Stoke Way, fully reopened after being closed for 559 days for MetroBus roadworks.

By Jim Aitken, community liaison officer at Alun Griffiths Ltd.

Bradley Stoke Way

On Tuesday 14th February, following just over four weeks of night time surfacing between the Aztec West and Patchway Brook roundabouts, and working jointly with South Gloucestershire Council’s (SGC’s) signalisation team, the traffic lights at the Woodlands Lane and Orchard Gate junctions were commissioned and switched on.

Over the next few months, small works will continue, with some traffic management as necessary to complete signage, guard rails, landscaping and adding an anti-skid surface in certain areas. This work may involve some peak-time lane closures, as and when required.

All pedestrian crossings and footpaths are open, with the exception of the footpath eastbound where Oaktree Crescent meets Bradley Stoke Way, as work continues in this area around to the A38 where, until April/May, we will be completing further MetroBus works including installation of a MetroBus stop. Pedestrians and cyclists can still cross at the Aztec West junction and use the temporary footpath around onto the A38, although it is advisable for cyclists to dismount through this section.

A38 South of Aztec West

Works have commenced from Bradley Stoke Way left around the roundabout onto the southbound A38 Gloucester Road for the MetroBus lane and bus stop. The existing toucan crossing on the A38 will also be re-sited. It is anticipated this will continue into early May due to the numerous utility assets in this area. A temporary footpath is provided outside the works area.

Whilst the bus stop on the southbound A38 is out of use, Griffiths will seek to place a temporary bus stop on Bradley Stoke Way between the Orchard Gate and Woodlands Lane junctions. This is subject to the new bus lane being open, which is at the discretion of SGC.

South of Patchway Brook

The westbound bus lane along Bradley Stoke Way from the Willow Brook Centre to Patchway Brook Roundabout will remain coned and closed until legally signed and commissioned. Again, the timing of its opening will be determined by SGC.

Further anti-skid surfacing is also required in some areas along this stretch.

Great Stoke Roundabout

We shall be commencing work on the section of Bradley Stoke Way between Great Meadow Roundabout (Baileys Court) and Great Stoke (Rabbit) Roundabout in the week commencing 27th February. Vegetation clearance has begun prior to this. The objective is to widen the carriageway to construct a new southbound bus lane on the eastern verge of the carriageway travelling from Great Meadow to Great Stoke.

We anticipate works will last for a duration of approximately three months. Initially, we need to complete some groundwork, removing top soil and the embankment. Temporary traffic lights will be required over a period which shall remain intermittent throughout the scheme, with an overall duration not expected to exceed three weeks over the anticipated three month construction period.

The traffic lights will be in operation at off-peak times only.

Stoke Gifford By-Pass

The work in this area is shared between three contractors, with Griffiths having responsibility for the roadworks. There are two bridges; one was handed to Griffiths some months ago by Network Rail and good progress has been made with the road here. The other bridge (over the Ham Brook) is still in possession of the remaining contractor and Griffiths await access to complete the roadworks. Griffiths works are well on programme and we are currently forming the new access off Parkway North Roundabout.

Hambrook Lane reopened a week earlier than advertised following lane widening and kerbing. A further (and final) one-week closure will be required in May/June for resurfacing and road marking. Works along the A4174 Ring Road are 95 percent complete awaiting final surfacing at the tie-in and within the central reserve island.

• Contact the Griffiths MetroBus team on 08458 622327 or email

MetroBus construction work gets under way at the southern end of Bradley Stoke Way, on the southbound approach to Great Stoke Roundabout.

Photos: 1 The Woodlands Lane junction with Bradley Stoke Way, fully reopened after being closed for 559 days for MetroBus roadworks. 2 MetroBus construction work gets under way at the southern end of Bradley Stoke Way.

Woodlands Lane reopening: Readers’ comments online

Paul M: I knew they would say “ahead of schedule”. Complete joke to say that. It’s brilliant news that it has reopened, but by no stretch of the imagination is it ahead of the predicted time!

Mick H: Predicted 18 weeks, over a year behind schedule and they are full of themselves… got to love this contractor.

Robin P: And now it appears that everyone turning right out of the end of Woodlands Lane onto Bradley Stoke Way has forgotten what the yellow hatched box painted on the road means.

Nicola C: OK, let’s rush to the bookies as it’s odds on that the [traffic light] sequencing is going to be totally wrong and yet again it will be gridlocked!

Ian W: Is it just me, but all the new lanes going down Bradley Stoke Way and beyond look dangerous? Two lanes into one lane and back into two lanes … The lanes going down Bradley Stoke Way, towards Tesco, look very narrow for cars. The new bus stop platforms are right next to junctions. Has this really been planned out correctly? Seems like the same person who planned the roadworks planned the layout.

Janet M: Yada, yada, yada… keep moaning! Moan that you want them to work through the night to complete the works. When they do … moan! Moan when they are ahead of schedule …  perhaps the council should rename Bradley Stoke Way to Moaners Are Us Way.

Shaun: So, we have endured 18 months of traffic hell in the north of Bradley Stoke on the Aztec West approach from Bradley Stoke Way, and now it has finished and the traffic lights have been switched back on. Net result – back to square one. Traffic jams on Brook Way and on Bradley Stoke Way in the mornings. Will all these people in cars start to use MetroBus when it starts? Nope, most of them are trying to get to/from the motorways. Utterly pointless!

Indicative plan showing new bus lane at southern end of Bradley Stoke Way.

Above: Indicative plan showing new bus lane at southern end of Bradley Stoke Way.

This article originally appeared in the March 2017 issue of the Bradley Stoke Journal magazine (on pages 8 & 9). The magazine is delivered FREE, EVERY MONTH, to 9,500 homes in Bradley Stoke, Little Stoke and Stoke Lodge. Phone 01454 300 400 to enquire about advertising or leaflet insertion.

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