Road users in the Stokes have had to contend with numerous sets of roadworks and road closures during September and it seems there will be no let-up in October.
To start on a positive note, four weeks of major resurfacing work on sections of Orpheus Avenue (Little Stoke) and Brook Way (Bradley Stoke) was completed with just a two-day overrun on 15th September and the much improved road surface has been welcomed by motorists and residents alike. There were, however, plenty of complaints that advance signage during the daytime road closures was less than adequate.
The contractors then wasted no time in moving their equipment up to Woodlands Lane in north Bradley Stoke, where Pear Tree Roundabout and its approaches were resurfaced during overnight road closures over a six-day period.

There was also good news from Great Stoke (Rabbit) Roundabout, where weeks of overnight road closures finally came to an end on 11th September.
On the downside, Highways England dropped a bombshell at the end of August when it announced that the Trench Lane motorway bridge in north Bradley Stoke, expected to reopen in the first week of September, would need to remain closed until 19th October.
The bridge works had been brought forward to be completed during the summer holidays and prevent disruption to Bowsland Green Primary School. A spokesperson explained: “Unfortunately it has not been possible to complete them due to unforeseen repair work needed on the bridge.”

In addition to Trench lane being fully closed, the M4 motorway beneath the bridge has also needed to have overnight closures (between junctions 20 & 19) so that the work can progress. Further overnight closures are planned for 5th to 10th October.
In the same area, work to install a raised table zebra crossing on Bowsland Way overran into the start of the new school term. It was then suspended altogether whilst the Woodlands Lane resurfacing was carried out. It was due to resume on 28th September.
Planned roadworks
New roadworks started in September and extending into October include MetroBus work on Hatchet Road in Stoke Gifford and resurfacing of Westfield Lane, Stoke Gifford (including its junction with Church Road).
Other work starting soon includes Highways England carrying out resurfacing on the M4 eastbound carriageway between junctions 21 and 19. The work will involve overnight closures between 8pm and 6am, Monday to Friday, for approximately four weeks from Wednesday 14th October.
Looking further ahead, South Gloucestershire Council’s resurfacing programme includes stretches of Braydon Avenue (Little Stoke) and Winterbourne Road (Stoke Gifford). The Braydon Avenue work, which will be between the junctions with Silver Birch Close and Ash Close, was originally scheduled to take place at the end of September, but has been postponed to November to allow for essential drainage work to be completed first.
A useful overview of planned roadworks can be viewed on the one.network website, but be warned that the information relating to South Gloucestershire Council’s activities is often inaccurate.
Related link: Roadworks in the Stokes (The Journal)
This article originally appeared in the October 2020 issue of the Bradley Stoke Journal magazine (on page 10). The magazine is delivered FREE, nine times a year, to ALL 8,700 homes in Bradley Stoke. Phone 01454 300 400 to enquire about advertising or leaflet insertion.