Further details of plans to create a 2-way segregated cycle track along the full length of Bradley Stoke Way have been published by South Gloucestershire Council.
The 3m-wide track is part of a suite of proposals to improve walking, cycling, wheeling, and bus travel between Thornbury and south Bradley Stoke.
The scheme now out for consultation includes the creation of new bus lanes, shared-use paths and segregated cycling, walking and wheeling facilities, as well as improvements to bus stops, along the A38 and Bradley Stoke Way.
Editor’s note: “Wheeling” includes wheelchairs and mobility scooters. See definition here.
A spokesperson for the council said:
“Our Thornbury to Bradley Stoke Sustainable Travel Improvements project will continue South Gloucestershire Council’s ambitious programme of transport improvement schemes to get the road network ready for major new housing and business developments, as well as making sustainable travel options a more attractive choice.
The project aims to:
- Make travelling by bike and walking/wheeling safer
- Make traveling by public transport more attractive to users
- Encourage more people to switch to sustainable travel options
- Take vehicles off the roads and reduce congestion.
The proposals have been developed following an initial round of public engagement in early 2022. They are part of a wider programme to improve public transport and active travel across the region.
The proposals include:
For the A38, between Thornbury and Almondsbury
- A 2-way cycle track alongside the footway on the A38 between Almondsbury and Alveston
- A new bus lane southbound approaching Hortham Lane, where buses regularly get stuck in traffic at busy times
- Improvements to the bus stops along the A38
- Improved crossing points for pedestrians and cyclists, to allow safe access to the cycle track and to improve access to bus stops
- Reduction in speed limits at Almondsbury and Rudgeway to improve safety and support increased walking, cycling and wheeling
For Bradley Stoke Way, between the Aztec West Roundabout and Great Stoke (a.k.a. Rabbit) Roundabout
- A 2-way cycle track with separate footway, mostly on the western side of Bradley Stoke Way, to be constructed by widening the existing shared-use path
- A new southbound bus lane approaching Savages Wood Roundabout (adjacent to Bradley Stoke Leisure Centre)
- Improved crossings to enable safer access to/from the cycle track from both sides of Bradley Stoke Way, and when crossing side roads at junctions
Editor’s note: The remainder of this article focuses on the Bradley Stoke part of the route. Further details of the Thornbury to Aztec West proposals can be found in the full set of documents listed on the consultation webpage.
Engagement report
Key findings from the initial engagement were:
- The proposed new cycleway and improved footway along Bradley Stoke Way between Aztec West and Great Stoke was ‘strongly supported’ or ‘somewhat supported’ by 60 percent of respondents.
- The proposed reduction in speed limit on Bradley Stoke Way, from 40mph to 30mph, from Savages Wood to south of the Stoke Brook Bridge, was less popular, being ‘strongly supported’ or ‘somewhat supported’ by only 48 percent of respondents.
Number of respondents: 415
Read more in the ‘Initial feedback exercise summary report‘ available on the consultation webpage.
In detail: Bradley Stoke

The above map may be viewed in higher resolution on page 2 of the ‘Annotated maps of the schemes‘ consultation document [PDF, 1.1MB] or as a JPEG file [634kB] on Dropbox.
Easier-to-read plans of the separate sections of the route are available in our earlier article published at the time of the initial round of public engagement, but please note that the ‘Engineering drawings‘ consultation document [PDF, 14.9MB] is now the definitive reference.
Editor’s note: In the descriptions below, Bradley Stoke Way is considered to run north-south, so ‘western side’ refers to the Willow Brook Centre side and ‘eastern side’ refers to the Bradley Stoke Leisure Centre side.
Aztec West Roundabout to Patchway Brook Roundabout
Note: Patchway Roundabout is the one near Aldi
Key proposals include:
- 2-way cycle track and footway along western side of Bradley Stoke Way
- Improved crossings at Woodlands Lane junction
Patchway Brook Roundabout to Savages Wood Roundabout (1 of 2)
Note: Savages Wood Roundabout is the one near Bradley Stoke Leisure Centre
Key proposals include:
- 2-way cycle track and footway along western side of Bradley Stoke Way
- Existing bus shelters maintained
Patchway Brook Roundabout to Savages Wood Roundabout (2 of 2)
Key proposals include:
- 2-way cycle track and footway along western side of Bradley Stoke Way
- 2-way cycle track crosses to eastern side of Bradley Stoke Way to avoid narrow section outside the Willow Brook Centre
- Upgrade of the existing pedestrian crossing of Bradley Stoke Way to the north of the Willow Brook Centre
North of Savages Wood Roundabout
Key proposals include:
- 2-way cycle track and footway along eastern side of Bradley Stoke Way
- New southbound bus lane along Bradley Stoke Way approaching Savages Wood Roundabout
Savages Wood Roundabout to Webbs Wood Roundabout
Key proposals include:
- 2-way cycle track to cross back to western side of Bradley Stoke Way
- Bus stop improvements (installation of shelters) at Savages Wood and The Bridge
- Extension of existing 30mph zone south
Webbs Wood Roundabout

Key proposals include:
- 2-way cycle track and footway along western side of Bradley Stoke Way.
- Improved walking and cycling crossings across all arms of Webbs Wood Roundabout
- Existing northbound bus stop north of Webbs Wood Roundabout to be removed
Great Meadow (a.k.a. Baileys Court) Roundabout
Key proposals include:
- 2-way cycle track and footway along western side of Bradley Stoke Way
- Improved walking and cycling crossings across all arms of Great Meadow Roundabout
Bradley Stoke Way to Great Stoke (a.k.a. Rabbit) Roundabout
Key proposals include:
- 2-way cycle track and footway along western side of Bradley Stoke Way
- Improved walking and cycling crossing at The Worthys junction

The side road crossings at Webbs Wood Roundabout and Great Meadow Roundabout are ‘parallel crossings’. These are similar to zebra crossings, but include a cycle route alongside the black and white stripes. Highway Code rule 195 states that motorists “MUST give way” when a pedestrian or cyclist has moved onto this type of crossing.
Consultation scope
The current (Phase 1) consultation excludes the following zones along the route which are said to require further design work:
- Patchway Brook Roundabout
- Savages Wood Roundabout
- Stoke Brook Bridge
The proposals for the above zones will be the subject of a Phase 2 consultation in summer 2023.
Impact of works
The works required along Bradley Stoke Way as part of the Phase 1 improvements will only affect the existing footway / shared-use paths and will not impact on road users.
Carriageway works are likely to be required at Patchway Brook and Savages Wood roundabouts, dependent on the outcome of the Phase 2 consultation.
Drop-in sessions
During the Phase 1 consultation, South Gloucestershire Council will be hosting two drop-in sessions for people to learn more about the proposals, meet the project team and ask questions. The sessions are as follows:
- Monday 27th February 2023, from 3pm to 7pm, at Bradley Stoke Leisure Centre, Fiddlers Wood Lane, Bradley Stoke, BS32 9BS
- Wednesday 8th March 2023, from 4pm to 6pm, at Jubilee Hall, Greenhill Road, Alveston, BS35 3QY
There will also be a further online session on Thursday 9th March 2023, from 12pm to 1pm. This will take place using the Microsoft Teams platform. No special software is required (a standard internet browser is sufficient).
A council spokesperson said:
“All feedback will help us to finalise these designs to ensure that they meet the needs of users and the local community.”
“A full business case will then be submitted to the West of England Combined Authority to secure funding to begin to deliver the scheme. Construction is expected to start in 2024 and take around two years to complete.”
Councillor Steve Reade, cabinet member responsible for transport at South Gloucestershire Council, said:
“It’s really important that we get the views of people who live, work or travel through the area as they will influence the steps we take to encourage sustainable travel.”
“We are preparing for the local impact of climate change and an important part of our response is to provide improvements for walking, cycling, wheeling and public transport. We are working hard to help set-up sustainable alternatives to encourage more people to get out of their motorised vehicles more often.”
“We are committed to tackling these issues and have already invested a total of £174 million in highway improvements over the last four years to reduce congestion and emissions, improve cycling and pedestrian routes, facilitate faster bus journeys and future proof our road network.”
The project is funded by the West of England Combined Authority (Weca) through its £540 million City Region Sustainable Transport Settlement Fund.
Dan Norris, metro mayor for the West of England, said:
“Please do come forward with your views on these early-stage ideas for bus lanes, pedestrian crossings, cycling facilities, and more so they can be developed, changed and improved.”
“It needs to be as easy as possible for residents to be able to hop on a bus or walk and cycle their way around Thornbury, Bradley Stoke, and across our brilliant West of England region. I hope measures like these will help cut traffic jams and enable us to make progress towards our really ambitious net-zero targets locally.”
Have your say
For further information or to participate in the feedback survey visit the consultation webpage:
Thornbury to North Bristol Sustainable Transport Corridor improvements
The consultation is open until midnight on Sunday 19th March, 2023.
If you would like to request a paper copy of the consultation materials or have any issues completing the survey, please email transportservices@southglos.gov.uk
Related link: Public Consultations (The Journal)
A new public consultation has opened on the ‘full design’ proposals for this scheme. It runs until 18th December 2023.
Look out for a new article on this website soon.