End of the road for Baileys Court bowlers?

Lockout at Baileys Court Bowling GreenWednesday’s Annual General Meeting of Bradley Stoke Town Council brought confirmation that no agreement has been achieved between the Town Council and Northavon Bowls Club in the dispute over increased rental charges at the town’s Baileys Court bowling green. Councillor Mark Forsyth reported that no correspondence had been received from the Bowls Club before the Council-imposed deadline of midnight on Tuesday.

The Town Clerk has now written to the Bowls Club insisting that it remove all its equipment from the Baileys Court site before 5pm on 28th May. Any equipment left there after that date will be considered ‘abandoned’ and disposed of as the Council sees fit.

The meeting was told that cheques previously submitted to the Council by the Bowls Club had been returned uncashed as they “had strings attached”. It was resolved to send a final reminder to the Club asking for immediate payment of monies owed. Should the debts not be cleared within 14 days, the Council would take court action – in line with its standard bad debts procedure.

Councillors who had attended the meeting of South Gloucestershire Council (SGC) earlier in the day reported that the bowls dispute had been discussed there, but stated that SGC had no intention of attempting to mediate in the dispute.

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