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Bradley Stoke Leisure Centre to create 20 extra car park spaces

Packed car park at Bradley Stoke Leisure Centre, Bristol.

Circadian Trust, the operator of Bradley Stoke Leisure Centre, has announced that it is to carry out work during March to create an additional 20 car parking spaces at the popular facility.

A notice displayed at the centre explains:

“You may be aware that the centre’s car park does not always have adequate spaces during busy times of the day.”

“Over the last six months, the centre has been monitoring the usage of the car park at busy times and also listening to customer feedback on the matter.”

“To help rectify the problem, work will take place during the next year [2014] to increase the number of spaces in the car park.”

“Phase 1 will start in March, with an increase of 20 spaces. Once completed, more work will be planned to ensure the maximum number of spaces can be achieved in the car park.”

Mark Crutchley, Chief Executive of Circadian Trust, told The Journal that the extra 20 spaces will be created by “taking away some grassed areas and rearranging the layout of the car park”.

The work is expected to take around three weeks to complete.

Looking ahead, space for a further 26 car parking spaces will be released when the current skate park is replaced with one at a new location within the leisure centre site, subject to Bradley Stoke Town Council finding funding and obtaining planning permission for that project.

Mr Crutchley added that it might be necessary to look at a “decked” car parking solution at some point in the future, perhaps when the leisure centre is expanded, which could happen within the next two or three years, subject to the availability of funding.

South Glos councillors recently approved the spending of up £100k on progressing plans for the provision of “additional capacity” at leisure centres in Bradley Stoke and Longwell Green.

Photo: Packed car park at Bradley Stoke Leisure Centre on a recent Monday morning.

This article originally appeared in the March 2014 edition of the Bradley Stoke Journal news magazine. Our magazine is delivered FREE, EVERY MONTH, to 9,250 homes in Bradley Stoke and Little Stoke. Phone 01454 300 400 to enquire about advertising or leaflet insertion.

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  1. This is fine as long as they enforce the double yellows and especially the white zig zags by the crossing. It’s a complete joke at the moment, might as well have no markings at all. They were parking two abreast on the zig zags last friday.

  2. Bradley Stoke Leisure Centre to create 20 parking spaces.

    How nice it is to see BS Leisure Centre taking responsibility for their customers parking and doing something positive about it.

    What a shame that the doctor’s surgery haven’t got the same concern for theirs ! There again doctors only care about money these days.

  3. While increasing car parking may be a quick fix, it won’t solve the long term problem, and if you have more parking, you’ll just encourage more people to drive there and the they will still park illegally.

    Are the management going to improve the extremely poor cycle parking, and thus encourage more people to ride there, which would be a cheaper and more effective solution?

  4. I understand that the centre is busy. But I could strangle the folks that park along the access road to the car park, effectively making the whole centre a single track road with no passing spaces. 🙁

  5. Happy – I’m sure the users of the leisure centre would be quite happy to park properly if there were any actual spaces available to park in!

    The leisure centre need to come up with a way to ensure the car park is only used by people using the facilities within the leisure centre, which will hopefully prevent dog walkers and parents visiting the school from using it.

  6. Is there a problem with parking up to 4.5 hours at Tesco next door and then walking? Do Tesco mind? It isn’t like it’s a long way to walk.

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