Get fit in the New Year! Moira de Groot invites you to to join North Bristol Running Group’s regular morning run.
It’s that time of year when we start thinking about what we are going to do to improve ourselves or what new challenges we plan on setting ourselves in the New Year.
Why not join us? We are a group of mixed ability runners – and I really mean that! Some of us run marathons and half marathons, some the Bradley Stoke 10k, some run regularly, some of us struggle to make a mile without a rest and some of us are brand new to running. We all try to achieve our goals and none of us judge.
We are a supportive, friendly bunch who meet on Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings, during school term time, at 9.15am, outside the Bradley Stoke doctor’s surgery for a run (and a bit of a chat!) We welcome ladies and gents, shift workers, parents of school kids, retired folk, in fact, everyone!
We aim to run about 5kms, but are more than happy for people to walk part of the route or head for home when they have done what they can. Some of the group choose to run further – it really is up to the individual.
The group is informal and there is no membership. Just turn up (that is the hardest part) when you can and let us help you achieve your goal.
If you would like to start running, join a running group or push yourself a little harder, why don’t you join the School Run! Find us on Facebook (North Bristol Running Group) for updates on what we are doing. There are also evening runs on a Tuesday and Thursday, with some track dates also available.
We hope to see YOU in the New Year!
North Bristol Running Group will be running a Beginners’ Running Course, ‘Eight weeks to 5km’, in January 2015 – for more information, please keep an eye on our Facebook page.
Photo: Moira de Groot (third from left) and other participants of North Bristol Running Group’s ‘school run’.
This article originally appeared in the December 2014 edition of the Bradley Stoke Journal news magazine, delivered FREE, EVERY MONTH, to 9,450 homes in Bradley Stoke, Little Stoke and Stoke Lodge. Phone 01454 300 400 to enquire about advertising or leaflet insertion.