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Palmers Corner benefits from BSiB tidy-up

Bradley Stoke in Bloom volunteers at Palmers Corner.

An update from Sara Messenger of Bradley Stoke in Bloom (BSiB).

This month (June), we have concentrated our efforts on Palmers Corner (corner of Palmers Leaze and Webbs Wood Road). The plants in front of the wall now form an official flower bed, complete with edging, and most of the remaining bramble has been removed from the new lawn. The existing ornamental cherries have also been supplemented with a selection of apple trees.

Unfortunately, tidying up the plants has made the sad state of the brick pillars more obvious, so we need a friendly builder to come and sort them out!

We tidied up and added another batch of flowering plants to the border by Manor Farm roundabout, just in time for the Bradley Stoke Festival weekend. Most of these have now gone on to refresh the planting in the Welcome to Bradley Stoke planters at the entrances to the town, as the previous wave of blooms had died down. Once the dahlias we have planted decide to make an appearance, it should again be a colourful corner.

The herb gardens, welcome planters and the Willow Brook planters have all had a tidy up and the latter will soon be given their summer foliage.

Several people approached us during our last work day to let us know that our efforts are being noticed and appreciated. Thank you; it is good to hear from others that our efforts are worthwhile. And we especially appreciated Gavin who provided praise and cold drinks!!

Best garden competition

Entries are now coming in for our annual ‘Best Front Garden’ competition. All you need to do to enter is to fill out our entry form and either email it to us or drop it off at the Town Council office. Forms can be obtained from our website, Facebook page or from the Town Council office and library. Judging takes place in the last week of July. The prizes awarded last year were: 1st prize; a trophy engraved with the winner’s name, a meal for two voucher donated by the Harvester Restaurant and a £25 garden voucher donated by Almondsbury Garden Centre. 2nd & 3rd prize were engraved dibbers, 2nd place also received a £10 garden voucher donated by Almondsbury Garden Centre.

How to contact Bradley Stoke in Bloom:

Bradley Stoke in Bloom planting at Palmers Corner.

Photos: BSiB volunteers and planting at Palmers Corner.

This article originally appeared in the July 2015 edition of the Bradley Stoke Journal news magazine, delivered FREE, EVERY MONTH, to 9,500 homes in Bradley Stoke, Little Stoke and Stoke Lodge. Phone 01454 300 400 to enquire about advertising or leaflet insertion.

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