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Sign displayed in the car park of the Brook Way Activity Centre.

Parking easier after surgery brings in disciplinary measures for staff

The car parking situation at Bradley Stoke Surgery has improved significantly after staff at the doctors’ practice were told, in January, that it would become a “disciplinary offence” to park on the site, a meeting of Bradley Stoke Town Council’s Planning Committee has heard. Patients of the surgery had complained that they were finding it impossible to find a parking

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Chaotic car parking at Bradley Stoke Surgery.

Council may paint double yellow lines at Brook Way doctors’ surgery

Bradley Stoke Town Council is looking at the possibility of painting double yellow lines along the access drive into the Brook Way Activity Centre and Bradley Stoke Surgery site, to deter inconsiderate parking that could potentially hinder emergency vehicles responding to an incident. Officers informed January’s meeting of Full Council that the cost of installing the lines would be £270

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Bradley Stoke Surgery, Brook Way.

Surgery to take on new doctors in effort to improve appointment availability

Bradley Stoke Surgery has announced that it is taking on two new doctors over the coming months, which it is hoped will give “more available appointments” for patients registered at the Brook Way practice. The news was revealed in a letter from the surgery’s business manager Sandra Lloyd, circulated at last night’s meeting of the Bradley Stoke Safer and Stronger

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