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[Forum] Royal Wedding celebrations in Bradley Stoke

At Wednesday night’s meeting, Bradley Stoke Town Council proposed spending some £3,500 of council tax payers’ money (possibly rising to £4,500) on celebrating the forthcoming Royal Wedding. This will take the form of a large TV screen, stalls and bunting etc. Personally I am against this proposal, especially in the light of our current financial and economic conditions but I would like to hear the views of others. Bearing in mind that the ceremony is only expected to last about an hour, is this public money well spent?

Roger Avenin
BS Town Councillor

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  1. This would be a complete waste of money, especially as they will want to do it all again next year for the Queen’s Golden Jubilee.

    Lets have some common sense in these difficult times and spend wisely.

    Out of interest, are the cut backs to the Bradley Stoke Town Council / South Gloucestershire Council fully understood yet? How does this spend fit in with the cutbacks?

    I expect Council Tax payers will end up paying more from April anyway to subsidise the councils spending cuts so lets be more prudent now.

    Anyway, rant over !

  2. No, it most definitely isn’t money well spent. I cannot believe many people would want to watch it in a public setting, unless it was part of a bigger and longer lasting event. To be honest I would prefer that if they’ve got 3.5k to spend on this kind of thing, that it be put towards the community festival or the fireworks.

  3. I agree with the comments above. Absolute waste of money; I am sure the people who want to watch it will stay at home. Just spend the 3.5k on removing speed bumps and improving the roads around Bradley Stoke!

  4. Further confirmation that our elected representatives don’t live in the real world, throwing money around when belts should be tightened.

    Mike – there’s no way the BSTC or S. Glos are going to spend money removing speed bumps, quite the opposite in fact as they are about to pay £20,000 on a raised table type along Brook Way.

  5. Excuses to throw a party should not mean excuses to spend tax payers money. I am not against the Council facilitating a party where vendors and community groups are enabled to put on a show, However paying them to do it in my personal opinion is wrong. In the past these types of events (Royal Events) have given neighbours the chance to get to know each other with them bringing tables out literally onto the pavements where they live and spending some of the extra holiday they have been facilitated enjoying each others company, with bunting waving etc. Hopefully the weather will be good on the day and those who choose to have a celebration will be able to do it in the sunshine. If there is to be a big screen etc. as long as it is paid for by traders then fine. If the Council are helping to organise then fine, if the Council are paying other people to organise then not so fine.

  6. If you’re thinking of staging a party in your own street, the Gazette reports that South Gloucestershire Council has waived the application charge for road closures associated with Royal Wedding events. Read more:

  7. In response to Graham above, to be fair to BS Town Council we are maintaining the Council Tax precept at a zero percent increase for 2011/12. I know because I proposed this which after some debate was accepted. ( what South Glos do however is beyond our remit).
    However this in my view does not mean that the council should fund the pet projects of a few when such money could be spent on a variety of activities/services that would benefit the community as a whole. If I may reiterate Brian’s comments above if people wish to celebrate this with street parties etc then fine, but why expect the council and therefore all tax payers to fund this ?

  8. Whoops! seems BS councillors are now using this forum to drum up public support against what the rest of their mates agreed too and they didnt.
    Do we see dissent in the camp or petulance at not getting their own way?

  9. Comments by Mayor Ben Walker in an article on the Town Council website:

    “… Councillors decided to host an event to celebrate the forthcoming Royal Wedding at the Jubilee Green Centre in conjunction with the Friends of Jubilee Green, the group who look after, develop and promote the Beacon Play Area. The event will include the opening of the centre with a large screen to show the wedding, a selection of stalls and food & drink outlets and further promotion of the Beacon Play Area itself.”

    “Although decisive (sic), this event is being paid for from an existing amount of money, already ring fenced for community events. Although the Royal Wedding plays a large part in this event, it’s not the only focus, hence the stalls for local craft to be sold and the engagement we are making with the community with the use of the centre and the fantastic park. It also helps advertise the Beacon Play Area itself and the group that support it. Profits made from the stalls will be donated to the group to help fortify their efforts in bidding for the second phase of the Play Scheme to be completed and additional planting/events.”

    [Ed] I’m guessing that “decisive” should read “devisive”

    The Mayor also discussed the planned Royal Wedding celebrations on BBC Radio Bristol last Thursday. Listen again here (interview starts 1:51.30 into the programme).

  10. So on the one hand they want to turn off street lighting and therefore jeopordising public safety but it’s ok to spend thousands on a party? What a stupid stupid idea

  11. It beggars belief how money can be thrown around on pet projects like this but then again it’s so easy to spend someone else’s money?

    Typical attitude, if there’s a budget there then we will jolly well spend it. I can’t wait to see just what this £4500 actually buys.

  12. Ridiculous idea. The councellors in Bradley Stoke really have no clue sometimes. First they think applying for city status would be a good idea and now they think this is a good idea too? Somebody with some actual logic needs to get on the board and knock some sense into these people. Brilliant we’ll save £12k per year on late night light switch off, let’s spend a quarter of this years saving on a party that quite frankly makes no difference to Bradley Stoke. Bradley Stoke is full of young families and do they all honestly care? The only ones that do are likely over the age of 60 and they’re hardly going to meet up in a car park to watch a huge TV screen no matter how bad their eyes might be in their deteriorating age.

  13. UPDATE: At this week’s meeting of the Leisure, Youth & Amenities Committee, the Town Council agreed to spend the higher amount.

    “It is anticipated that 1,500 – 2,000 people may be attending the event, which will require the extra public convenience provision, which makes the cost for the event £4,500”

    Full minutes here:

  14. All you against it get a life.
    To get the money back are we not chargeing the people that want to make money on the sales of beer and food etc for bringing thir pitches to the public area.
    I believe many people would want to watch it in a public setting, i will and my family and make a day of it, 3.5k is nothing in this day and age to spend on this kind of thing, all you sad people that will stay at home and watch it do so,but let others enjoy themseleves.