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Take the plunge for the MS Therapy Centre!

Newfoundland dog jumping into water.Local residents are being invited to ‘take the plunge’ in a fundraising event that will benefit the Bradley Stoke based West of England MS Therapy Centre (MSTC).

The centre provides treatments, therapies and support to not only those who have multiple sclerosis (MS) but also many other neurological conditions with the aim of helping their members to remain fit, active and maintain an independent lifestyle for as long as possible.

On Saturday 2nd September, supporters of the centre will be joined by Newfound Friends at Portishead Quay Marina as their canine chums leap into action, and into the harbour waters, to rescue willing volunteers.

With a typical body weight of 75 to 90 kilos, a double waterproof coat and a full set of webbed feet, the huge but loveable Newfoundland dogs are as much at home in the water as they are on dry land and their life saving skills have been commended by the Royal Life Saving Society.

Those taking part will be whisked from the quayside by boat and they will jump, or slide, into the water where the dogs will show off their famous life-saving skills. Every volunteer will get a souvenir photo taken with their cuddly rescuer.

Anyone interested can register to enjoy the chance of being rescued by these wonderful canine lifeguards by visiting the Fundraising Events page on the MSTC website, or you could just pop along on the day to enjoy the spectacle.

The day begins at 10am and lasts until 4pm and will be held outside the Hall and Woodhouse pub/restaurant in Chandlery Square.

Hall and Woodhouse are kindly knocking 20 percent off the food bill for all ‘take the plunge’ participants on the day.

For further information please contact Sarah Vincent on 01454 628723 or email

• To see a video of the dogs in action, visit

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