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Town council to review controversial multiple mobile food trader policy

Ozzy's Kebab, Brook Way Activity Centre, Bradley Stoke.

Town councillors are to review a controversial new policy that potentially allows more than one mobile food trader to operate in the car parks of each of Bradley Stoke’s three council-run activity centres, following a series of seemingly contradictory decisions that have led to two potential new operators withdrawing their street trading licence applications.

The town council’s Finance Committee agreed last October to allow up to two traders to operate at each of its sites, but the first trader to apply for a ‘no. 2’ pitch under the new policy, Papas Pizzas (wishing to trade at the Brook Way Activity Centre), subsequently withdrew his application for a street trading licence after learning he would also have to foot the costs of applying for ‘change of use’ planning permission.

The same Finance Committee later rejected a proposal made by Cllr Brian Hopkinson, the main proponent of the multiple food trader policy, that the council should pay the ‘change of use’ planning application costs of any trader wishing to take on a new pitch at a council-owned site.

A further setback followed in April 2014, when the council’s Planning Committee voted to object to a street trading licence application from Marmaris Kebabs to trade on a ‘no. 2’ pitch at the Baileys Court Activity Centre, after residents in the surrounding area voiced concerns. As a result of the committee’s decision, the town council felt obliged to withdraw its offer of a pitch, meaning that the trader had no choice but to withdraw the street trading licence application he had made to South Gloucestershire Council.

Speaking during the public participation session at June’s special meeting of Full Council, a neighbour of the Jubilee Centre described the situation with the council’s new multiple food trader policy as “shambolic” and called for it to be revoked.

The policy is to be reviewed at the next meeting of Full Council which takes place at the Jubilee Centre this Wednesday (9th July), starting at 7pm. Members of the public are invited to attend and can have their say during a 15-minute session at the start of the meeting.

Despite the setbacks, the town council’s website continues to carry an advertising banner inviting expressions of interest from mobile food traders wishing to take on a new pitch at any of its sites.

Advert for mobile food trader pitches at sites owned by Bradley Stoke Town Council.

Related link: Takeaway Food in Bradley Stoke (The Journal)

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  1. BSTC make £600 per year. Cost to the NHS £6000min per customer per year. Other costs ASB A & S police called 3 times in the last month, when the van was not there, Zero for brookway litter to be cleared daily and sent to land fill.

    Cost of the consultation for what to do with the parking problem unknown????
    which when in favour of more spaces. BSTC now spending more money calling meetings with the public on trying to put another building there. thats not dealing with the out come just BSTC doing what they want again

    Also why is the doctors in brookway keeping quiet over fast food vans in the car park? Fast food must be good for us all!!!!!!!!! being quiet is a yes vote from them all.

    We don’t want them at brookway, we don’t need them anywhere, as there were only put there in the birth of bradley stoke. We now have retail parks pubs that do takeaway and shops to serve our fast food etc etc

  2. The decision reached at tonight’s Full Council meeting is that BSTC will abandon the new policy it introduced last year and revert to the previous policy of having ONE trader at Brook Way, ONE trader at Baileys Court and NO traders at the Jubilee Centre.

  3. cllr Brian hopkison said. if we cant have 2 per site he would get shot of them all. now that would be sensible.

    Just to Clarify what common sense is. It is a “accumulation of knowledge”

    we all know there is a lack of that. because it is common knowledge that fast food is bad for us all !!!!

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