By Jim Aitken, community liaison officer at Alun Griffiths Ltd.
On Friday 14th October, Wales & West Utilities completed their gas main diversion work on the verge of the nearside lanes approaching Aztec West on Bradley Stoke Way (BSW) and vacated the site on 20th October. Griffiths will now begin work in preparation for widening. Some work will be undertaken alongside Western Power Distribution, Vodafone and Virgin Media, so the widening work can commence in early November. Details of the current and planned traffic management set-up for the section of road between Patchway Brook roundabout and Aztec West roundabout are shown in the images below.
On conclusion of the gas main work a little further down BSW, Griffiths will reinstate the section of footpath opposite the Woodlands Lane junction. This should reopen in mid-November.
The widening work of the nearside verge will enable Griffiths to complete their works in this area in readiness for the full-reopening of the Woodlands Lane junction by Christmas. However, this is dependent on signalisation work being completed by South Gloucestershire Council.
Between Aztec West Roundabout and Patchway Brook Roundabout, work will focus on the central section of the carriageway to include islands at the Orchard Gate and Woodlands Lane junctions. Surfacing work along this section of BSW is scheduled for mid-December. This will be night-time work and cover approximately five nights between 8pm and 6am. Due to the fluidity of the works, the exact dates are not yet known. Further information should be available for December’s Journal. A letter drop will be made to residents in the immediate area and the wider area will be informed via the press and websites.
Should Griffiths have availability prior to this planned surfacing, we may reinstate the road surface levels to remove the current dip in the road at Orchard Gate. Should this happen, the public will be informed as above, as this will also involve some night-time surfacing work.
Further down BSW
Between Patchway Brook Roundabout and Savages Wood Roundabout, work will move from the eastbound carriageway to the westbound for drainage works estimated to take six weeks. Traffic will be moved onto the new eastbound carriageway.
MetroBus stops will be finished at Great Meadow Roundabout and in early November new works will begin on two further MetroBus stops either side of Webbs Wood Roundabout. Residents bordering BSW at Marjoram Place and Great Meadow Road will be informed by letter in advance of the works’ commencement. The works for each roundabout will take 4/5 weeks plus power connection work by Western Power Distribution.
Great Stoke Way & SGTL
Great Stoke way is all but complete with some signage work yet to finish and will be complete by mid-November.
On 14th October, Network Rail handed over the new Stoke Gifford Transport Link (SGTL) rail bridge to Griffiths. Taking advantage of the fine weather, we immediately began earthwork operations to build up the levels to the bridge in readiness for constructing the road over. This will continue throughout November and involve removal of the earth bund at the rear of Riviera Way, Earl Close and Voyager Close to supplement the earthworks at this bridge.
Whilst Griffiths is making good progress against programme, completion of the whole SGTL scheme is dependent on completion of the new bridge over the Ham Brook, which lies on the line of the SGTL between Hambrook Lane and the A4174. These bridge works are being undertaken by other contractors employed by South Gloucestershire Council.
Above: Traffic management on BSW approach to Aztec West.
Related links:
- MetroBus community website (Alun Griffiths)
- MetroBus construction in Bradley Stoke (The Journal)
This article originally appeared in the November 2016 edition of the Bradley Stoke Journal news magazine, delivered FREE, EVERY MONTH, to 9,500 homes in Bradley Stoke, Little Stoke and Stoke Lodge. Phone 01454 300 400 to enquire about advertising or leaflet insertion.
Postscript: Resurfacing of the Orchard Gate junction will take place overnight on Thursday 10th November.